vrt v maju / our garden in May 2022

Maj je bil enostavno čudovit. Zaradi sončnega in toplega vremena je zacvetelo veliko rož, češnje in jagode pa so že dozorele. Rastline vpijajo toploto, sončno vreme jim prija. Smo pa v tem mesecu morali vrt kar pogosto zalivati. Vrtnice že cvetico, kar je malo zgodaj. Upam, da bodo cvetele tudi še v juniju.
May was simply wonderful this year. Due to sunny and warm weather many flowers are blooming, cherries and strawberries are already red. The plants are soaking up the sunshine and loving the heat. But it is also true that we must water the plants frequently. The roses are already blooming, which is a little early. I hope the blooming will continue in June.
Potonike res ne cvetijo dolgo, ampak vsaka vrsta zacveti ob različnem času.
The peonies don't bloom for long, but different types bloom at different times.
Med trajnice sem posadila tudi nekaj enoletnic, marjetice, cinije, ognjič..
I’ve also added some colourful looking annuals that include daisies, zinnias and calendula to my flower garden.
Poletna zelenjava je že posajena. Paradižnik je precej zrastel, nekateri že cvetijo.
I've already planted the summer vegetables. Tomatoes grew a lot and some of them are already blooming.
Novi del vrta je še vedno v procesu urejanja in še vedno bo potrebno postoriti precej stvari, ampak sem zadovoljna z narejenim. Krompir posajen v tem delu vrta je res velik.
The new part of the garden is still in the process of arranging and there is still a lot of work to be done, but I'm proud of all the work we’ve put into the garden so far. The potatoes planted in this part of the garden are amazing.
Večina zelišč, kot je meta, žajbelj in origano so na mojem vrtu že dolgo časa. Baziliko pa sejem vsako leto. Komaj sem jo presadila na vrt. Drobnjak in timijan v tem času cvetita.
Most of the herbs like my mint, sage, thyme and oregano are in my garden for years. The basil which is grown from the seed is still small. Now the spring chives and thyme are in bloom.
Češnje imam zelo rada in kar ne morem se ustaviti, da jih ne bi pojedla še nekaj. Ker jih je bilo veliko, smo jih nekaj shranili za zimske dni. Ta mesec smo pripravili tudi bezgov sirup. Moji otroci pa imajo jagode rajši od češenj.
One of my favourite fruits is cherries and I simply couldn't stop eating them. The abundance of cherries is preserved for the winter days, and we also made some elderflowers syrup this month. My children prefer strawberries to cherries.
Maš mucek se rad skriva med rastje na vrtu.
Our kitty likes to hide between the plants.


  1. Kitty must like the smell of the herbs and the blooms. Your garden is weeks ahead of ours. Lilacs are blooming here now. We had a frost warning last week.

  2. Wow your garden is so beautiful and productive.those cherries look amazing. Our peony and tomatoes haven't started flowering you must be ahead of us!

  3. Your little cat has a serious face. I miss cherries - they are for sale, but at an eyewatering price!!

  4. I could feel the subtle scent of May in your garden, Margi, and sweet lusciousness of cherries. In my garden, roses are almost over with the starting blooms of hydrangeas. Your kitten knows the place where is comfortable.


  5. Margi - you have a gorgeous garden! We have had lots of rain (good) but not much heat, so the plants are behind this spring. But I can be patient! Especially when I get to share in your lovely photos. Those cherries are stunning! I would have a hard time choosing between the cherries and the strawberries. Can I have both? Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  6. You have an amazing garden Margi! Wonderful flowers & what a vegetable garden! It means a lot of work, but rewards with good harvest.

  7. WOW Margi your garden is a dream, what a variety of plants and such delicious cherries.

    Enjoy your paradise.



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