še en dan na otoku Krk / another day on the island of Krk
Morsko gorski svet naju je očaral in takoj zjutraj sva se strinjala, da tudi nedeljo porabiva za pohodništvo. Že zjutraj sva se odločila za obisk svetilnika.
The sea - mountain world fascinated us and first thing in the morning we agreed that we would spend Sunday hiking. We decided to visit the lighthouse first.
Tokrat sva začela hoditi iz Baške proti zahodu. Pot naju je najprej peljala malo nad morjem. Kraj se je ravno prebujal, srečevala sva prve sprehajalce. Na obali nad morjem v tem času cvetijo irisi.
This time we started walking from Baška to the west direction. At the beginning we were walking a little above sea level. In the early morning we adored blooming irises on the rocky beaches.
This time we started walking from Baška to the west direction. At the beginning we were walking a little above sea level. In the early morning we adored blooming irises on the rocky beaches.
Po prvih kilometrih sva se vzpenjala v hrib, pokrajina je postala kamnita. Kmalu, po krajšem vzponu sva na hribu med ovčkami občudovala razgled na Baško, ki je bila že daleč za nama.
After the first few kilometres we climbed uphill, and the landscape became rocky. Soon after a short ascent, standing on the hill among the sheep we admired the view of Baška, which was already far behind us.
Then we descended to the lighthouse and took a short break. Though the sky was cloudy, there was a beautiful view of the island of Prvić.
On the way back, we found out that sage will be blooming here soon, so it is just the right time for harvesting.
Lahko bi se vrnila po isti poti, ampak midva morava malo po svoje. Nadaljevala sva pot na bližnje vzpetine. Voda ujeta med skalami je namenjena ovcam.
Because we didn’t want to return the same way, we continued to the nearby hills. The water caught between the rocks is intended for sheep.
Če sva že na Krku, skoraj morava obiskati tudi najvišji vrh. Obzova se dviga 569 m nad morjem. Popoldne sva šla do Obzove čez Veli vrh. Vreme je bilo močno oblačno, v daljavi je grmelo.
Visiting the island Krk we had to hike the highest peak of the island, which is Obzova that rises 569 m above sea level. In the afternoon we went to it crossing another hill Veli vrh. The weather was very cloudy, it was thundering in the distance.
Pot sva začela na parkirišču pri Treskovcu in kmalu videla kačo, ki se je čisto počasi plazila. Kač se močno bojim, zato sem zavpila, ko sem jo zagledala. Moj mož pravi, da naj ne skrbim, da se gotovo kače bolj bojijo mene, ker toliko vpijem.
We started our way in the parking lot near Treskavac and soon we saw a snake that was crawling quite slowly. I am very scared of snakes, so I cried out instantly. My husband said I shouldn’t worry, surely snakes are afraid of me because I scream so much.
Ko sva se vračala, sva se spustila do mlake, v kateri je kvakalo veliko žab, te je bilo slišati daleč naokoli.
Then we approached a puddle where a lot of frogs were croaking, which could be heard far around.
Med potjo domov sva se hotela ustaviti na kavi na obali. Vendar sva ob cesti zagledala znak za plantažo smilja in raje zavila tja kot na kavo. Polje smilja je v tem času precej samevalo, poleti pa je verjetno precej živahno in rumeno, seveda.
On the way home we wanted to stop for coffee on the beach. When we saw a sign near the road for an immortelle plantation, we had turned our car in the plantation direction. The immortelle field was lonely at this time, but in summer it will probably be lively there, and the field will turn yellow, of course.
Thank you for taking me along on this beautiful hike. Your reaction to the snake is something like mine would be too. Great capture of the frog!
ReplyDeletePhenomenal views Margi. Thank you for sharing these splendid views.
ReplyDeleteWhat a stunning landscape. You are so very lucky and fit! ANesha
ReplyDeleteBeautiful blog
ReplyDeleteMargi - another spectacular hike. Thanks for taking us along!
ReplyDeleteI think that's one of the islands that my parents visited many years ago. Thanks for sharing such stunning views - rather better photos than my dad used to take with his little Instamatic camera.
ReplyDeleteMargi your hike was wonderful and filled with beautiful views!