gorsko cvetje/ mountain flowers

Včeraj sva se zbudila precej pozno in jutro je bilo oblačno, zato o kakšnih hudih vzponih niti razmišljala nisva. Vrhovo na Soriško planino pa so ravno dovolj, da sva se malo razgibava. Tam sva bila že pozimi, ampak sedaj je videči čisto drugače.
Soriško planino obkroža več vrhov: Dravh, Lajnar, Slatnik, Možic in malo odmaknjen Šavnik. Ob stezi nas pričaka mreža starih vojaških rovov in bunkerjev kot spomin na minuli svetovni vojni. Z svetilko se v nekatere rove lahko tudi spustimo in jih raziskujemo. Jaz v rov nisem šla.
Zaradi oblačnega vremena in megle, ki se je valila po pobočjih, so bili tudi razgledi na sosedje hribe in doline zelo omejeni. Vseeno je bila ta pot ena najlepših po naših hribih. Pobočja so bela, rumena, potresena z gorskimi cvetlicami in borovnicami.
The morning was cloudy yesterday and we woke up quite late, so we didn't think about any severe ascents. The peaks above Soriška planina are just high enough to get some exercise. We were there in the winter, but in May they look completely different.
Soriška planina is surrounded by several peaks Dravh, Lajnar, Slatnik, Možic and a little distant Šavnik. A network of old military routes and bunkers from the World Wars is situated there along the way. We can also go down and explore some tunnels with a lamp, but I didn't go to the trench. 
Due to cloudy weather and fog rolling down the slopes, views of the neighbouring hills and valleys were also limited. Nevertheless, for me this trail was one of the most beautiful trails on our hills. The slopes were white, and yellow, sprinkled with mountain flowers and blueberries.


  1. I love how mountain flowers can thrive in the smallest crack in the rocks or on the thinnest mountain soil. You got some grand views despite the weather.

  2. What a beautiful time of year to be in those hills! Gorgeous!

  3. WOW the mountain flowers are so beautiful, a breathtaking nature.


  4. Absolutely amazing views & landscapes to enjoy the spring.


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