Črna gora, Moračke planine / Montenegro, Moraca mountains
Zakaj smo letošnji dopust preživeli v Črni gori? Več vzrokov je, med njimi pa je najpomembnejši ta, da so nas pritegnile slike hribov in prelepe narave.
Po celodnevni vožnji čez Hrvaško je bil nas prvi postanek v Moračkih planinah. Ena od pomanjkljivosti tamkajšnjih cest so slabe prometne oznake. Poleg tega smo imeli probleme tudi z navigacijo, zato smo morali večkrat vprašati za pot. Do Kapetanovega jezera smo šli iz Nikšiča. Cesta nas najprej pripelje do prostrane planote. Ta široka polja so dom pastirjem, ovcam in konjem. Nad planoto se dviga Moracka Kapa.
Why did we
visit Montenegro this summer? For many reasons, the most important among them
is that they have beautiful mountains and adorable nature.
driving all day, our first stop was at Moraca mountains. One of the disadvantages
in Montenegro is that the roads are poorly marked with traffic signs and road
navigation wasn't working properly. So, we had to ask for the directions several
times. We started our trip to Captain’s Lake from Nikšič. The road leads us on
the mountain plateau. Here, wide fields represent home for shepherds, sheep and
horses. Mountain Moracka Kapa rises above them.
Avto smo pustili na koncu asfaltirane ceste in nadaljevali peš po makadamski poti. Domačini so se vozili z avti. Pravzaprav, smo bili edini pohodniki. Kapetanovo jezero se je lesketalo v jutranji svetlobi.
We stopped
our car at the end of the asphalt road and started to walk along the nice
macadam path. Locals travelled with cars. Actually, we were the only hikers. Captain’s
Lake was shining in the sunlight early in the morning.
Po kratkem odmoru smo nadaljevali pot do gorskega prelaza in od daleč opazovali Kapetanovo jezero.
After a short break we continued our trip to the mountain pass above the lake and observed it from a distance.
After a short break we continued our trip to the mountain pass above the lake and observed it from a distance.
Po enourni hoji smo prišli do Manito jezera, ki je bilo kristalno čisto. Mehka trava je valovala v vetru in sonce se je odsevalo v vodi. Cele ure bi lahko sedela tam. Prekrasen kraj!
After an
hour we reached Manito Lake. The lake is crystal clear. The soft grass waved in
the wind and the sun reflected in the water. I could sit there for hours. The
place is gorgeous.
Lovely - what an escape from it all! #WWOT
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful landscape. Lovely scenery.
What beautiful photos! It looks like a wonderful area to visit.
ReplyDeleteThis is a beautiful area. Thank you for sharing it. Also, thank you for visiting my blog. I will follow this one.
ReplyDeleteSurprised you were the only hikers in that beautiful place.
ReplyDeleteThis was a great trip! I really enjoyed your pictures.
ReplyDeleteSome great pictures of a wonderful part of the world. I visited Montenegro back in the 1980s, staying in Zabljak.
ReplyDeleteActually, Žabljak was our next stop.
DeleteI see that Google keeps translating Zabljak as "the frog" - is that right? and how did it get a name like that?
DeleteI'm from Slovenia. The Slovenian language is different from Serbo- Croatian language, which is spoken in Montenegro. Žaba is the frog and Žabljak must be a derivate of that word, but I'm not an expert.
DeletePrekrasna pokrajina. Si nisem predstavljala da je ta dežela tako zelo lepa in krasna narava, brez množic pohodnikov ja to je res tisti pravi dopust
ReplyDeletebeautiful landscape.
ReplyDeleteLooks like a great trip. Absolutely stunning landscape shots!
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