Iz Lepene do koče pod Bogatinom sva porabila približno pet ur. Glavni del vzpona je narejen že do Krnskega jezera, nato pot postane položnejša.
It takes about five hours to reach a hut under Bogatin from Lepena. Almost all the ascent is done in the first two hours hiking to Krn lake, then the walking gets easier.
Malo pred Krnskim jezerom sva zavila desno in nadaljevala pot mimo zapuščenih stavb. Te so Italijani zgradili na začetku 20-tega stoletja zaradi varovanja državne meje. Danes je kar malo nenavadno videti te zapuščene stavbe sredi hribov.
Just before the Krn lake we turned right and continued to walk past abandoned buildings, which were built in the beginning of 20th century by Italians to protect the state border. Nowadays it's quite unusual to see all these deserted buildings among the hills.
Nadaljevala sva pot od Bogatinskega sedla do koče pod Bogatinom, kjer sva si privoščila kosilo.From Bogatin mountain pass we continued to walk to the hut under Bogatin and had lunch there.
Ob povratku sva se povzpela še na Bogatin.
On our way to the starting point, we also climbed on mountain Bogatin.
Bilo bi škoda, če bi izpustila vrh in vse tiste razglede na Bohinjsko jezero, Triglav in sosednji Mahavšček.
It would be a pity if we haven't gone to the peak and missed all those views on Bohinj lake, Triglav and the nearby mountain Mahavšček.
Jaz ne morem mimo gorskih cvetlic, ne da bi naredila kakšno fotko. I couldn't just walk past all the beautiful mountain flowers without taking some pictures.
Planiko vsi poznamo.
Edelweiss is a typical mountain flower.
Bilo je zelo toplo, prehodila sva 31 km, porabila 10 do 11 ur in sploh nisem bila utrujena.
It was very hot, we walked about 31 kilometres and it took us about 10 or 11 hours and I didn't feel tired at all.
Quite an accomplishment to climb there. I had never seen Edelweiss. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteWow, this is such a beautiful place. Anesha x
ReplyDeletePhew! That's quite a hike; I'd have been shattered, even in my younger days. The scenery is stunning though and maybe that would have kept me going.
ReplyDeleteAmazing views! A demanding hike, but rewarding with the landscapes. I once had a cultivated Edelweiss in my garden, but it disappeared after a few years.
ReplyDeleteMargi - as always, your mountain photographs are stunning! We are both blessed to live in places with access to such beauty!
ReplyDeleteDear Margi,
ReplyDeleteoh I love these views from the top of mountains. Triglav is such an imposing nature monument. As an Carintian girl I know and love it. We have been climbing this week in Austria, also super lovely.
All my best and happy happy mountain days