zimska pravljica / winter wonderland

Hoja po zasneženi pokrajini je zame nekaj posebnega. Takrat vidiš, zakaj je zima tako čudovita. V naši dolini še vedno ni snega, ampak po uri vožnje sva prispela do pravljične zime. Bilo je sicer zelo megleno, vidljivost pa slaba, ampak meni je bil vzpon na hrib zelo lep. Moj dragi je še bolj užival v turnem smučanju.
Med hojo sem razmišljala o novem letu in o sebi. Lepo bi bilo, če bi si kdaj zastavila kakšen cilj. Seveda, najprej družina in služba, toda jaz sem bolj razmišljala o osebnih ciljih. Možnosti je ogromno, ampak dobro je, če ostanem realistična. Odločila sem se za dva cilja: čim več hoditi in izboljšati mojo angleščino. Vsak dan si bom beležila prehojene kilometre in na koncu seštela, koliko se jih bo nabralo v tem letu. Doma sem poiskala knjige, ki so jih moji otroci uporabljali v gimnaziji. Splača se poskusiti, pa da vidimo.
Walking through winter landscape is a special adventure for me. That’s why winter is so wonderful. There is still no snow in our valley, but after an hour drive we got to winter wonderland. It was very foggy and the visibility was poor, but I had a great time walking to the top of the hill and my husband enjoyed off-piste skiing. 
While I was walking I was thinking about the New Year and about me. It would be nice to set a goal or two. Of course, family and work always come first, but I wanted to set some personal goals. I know there is a large number of possibilities, but let’s stay realistic. I decided for two goals: walking and improving my English. I’m going to keep records about the distance I manage to walk every day and let’s see the result at the end of the year. My English is not very good, so I’m going to read some exercise books which were used by my children during their study. It’s worth a try and let’s see what happens.


  1. O kako lepo, le kje je to? Kje so tako lepe smreke? Čestitke za izbrana izziva, se tudi veselim, da naredimo kaj kilometrov skupaj. SREČNO!

  2. Se že veselim skupnega pohoda, takrat bom tudi povedala, kje so smreke.

  3. Lovely winter wonderland! Good goals too.

  4. Gorgeous photos! Thank you so much for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/01/classic.html

  5. Beautiful wintry scene. Hope to see in person.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  6. Beautiful winter landscape does inspire constructive pondering! I am about to leave for a walk now.

  7. What a wonderful dream in white !

  8. A white wonderland. I'm in a green one right now. Costa Rica.

  9. At least you have snow, we have not have much at all this year. If I have to stay home for the winter I am wishing for a good snow storm.

  10. Uau, čudovita zimska pravljica!

  11. Those are some very realistic goals. And some absolutely wonderful photos :)

    I'm glad you are a part of 'My Corner of the World' this week!

  12. Beautiful photos, and good luck with your new year resolutions!

  13. Wow, what a beautiful place and wonderful photos. x

  14. Beautiful images - a wonderful winterlandscape -great
    all the best

  15. Oh my Goodness ! That's beautiful.Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair. Keep on linking.


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