januar / January

Ta teden se je vrtel okrog hoje. Do sedaj sem uspela prehoditi 83 km, večinoma med vikendom. Služba se konča pozno popoldne, takrat je že temno. Cel teden je tudi deževalo, kar pa me sploh ni motilo. Hoditi v dežju je čisto sproščujoče.
Ponavadi hodim okoli našega malega kraja, najraje ob Soči. Tam je košček neokrnjene narave, majhen košček džungle, kjer je mirno in tiho, hkrati pa tudi neurejeno, polno dreves, rastlin in ptičev. Potihoma držim pesti, da tega koščka nikoli ne bi uspeli urediti.

The first week of the year was all about walking. Till now I walked 83 km (51 miles), mostly during the weekend. Well, during working days I always walked late in the afternoons, when it was dark. It was also rainy, but I found walking in the rain very relaxing.
Usually, I go for a walk around our little town. I especially like walking along the river Soča. There is a little piece of intact nature, a little jungle on our doorstep. It's so peaceful, quiet and also messy with lots of trees, plants and birds in the bushes. In my mind I keep my fingers crossed that it will stay untouched forever.

Kljub slabi dnevni svetlobi je Soča zelena in svetleča.
Despite weak daylight, the river is still green and shiny.
Rada hodim sama, z družino in prijatelji pa je še bolj zabavno. Danes  smo spet šli v hribe na sneg.
I like to walk alone, but it's funnier walking with family and friends like this Sunday when we walked uphill to snow again.


  1. Love the color of the river! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Sylvia D.

  2. a wonderful serie of pictures. So many beautiful landscapes

  3. Beautiful pictures. I especially loved the green water!

  4. Beautiful picture, beautiful landscape - and a lot of snow.
    Have a good time - thanks for visiting my blog
    All the best

  5. Enjoying the snow on my very warm summer morning :)

    A lovely addition to 'My Corner of the World' this week! Thanks for linking!

  6. 51 miles! Wow! You live in a majestic place, and I hope it is preserved in its natural state!


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