krpanje / snowshoeing

Ta teden je bilo mrzlo in deževno, zato sem hodila tudi v dežju. Zaradi covid omejitev je hoja v naravi še vedno ena redkih pozitivnih stvari. Temu se res ne morem odpovedati, vreme sploh ni pomembno. Že to, da ostanemo aktivni in upoštevamo vse omejite je precejšnji izziv. Seveda bi ob večerih lahko slikala ali pletla, ampak mi ne gre, ne najdem prave volje in energije. Hči mi je posodila knjigo J. Patterson-a, pravi, da me bo branje dobre knjige razveselilo.

Otroci so še vedno doma. Učenje preko interneta je dobra rešitev, ampak, odrasli smo v službi, otroci pa sami doma. Pošteno povem, da mi ni jasno, ali naš mali naredi vse šolske naloge. Zgleda, da se zelo malo uči. Ko oprem vrata njegove sobe, navadno igra računalniške igrice s sošolci. Vem, da jih pogreša, ampak tega življenja na računalniku nisem najbolj vesela.

Študentje so samostojni, toda počasi se jim zdi on-line študij dolgočasen. Hči se pritožuje, da bo šlo študentsko življenje mimo, ona pa ga bo preživela zaprta v svoji sobi, brez, da bi sploh poskusila, kakšno je. Moram reči, da ima prav.

It was cold and wet the last week, so I was walking in the rain. Hiking and mountaineering are the only things we can do in lockdown, so it doesn’t matter if it rains or snows, this is my freedom. Being active and positive during the covid pandemic is quite a challenge. I could paint or knit in the evenings, but I’m not in the mood for that. My daughter lent me a book written by J. Patterson; she believes that reading a good book will cheer me up.

Children are still at home. Emergency home-schooling could be a good solution, but in fact children are at home and adults are at their working places. To be honest, I have no idea, if my little one performs all his school tasks or not. He seems to be learning very little. When I enter his room, he usually plays computer games and I’m not happy about that. He misses his friends and the school.

Of course, students are completely independent, but in time they found online study boring. My daughter complains that she must be locked in her room and the student life goes on without even experiencing it. I agree with her completely.
Vikendi so najlepši del tedna, saj takrat ponavadi greva v domače hribe. Danes sva bila na Kolovratu. Kupila sem si krplje in jih danes prvič preizkusila. Sploh ni slabo in res lažje hodim po snegu.
Weekend is the best part of the week, then we can go in the mountains inside our community. I bought snowshoes and I walked with them for the first time. It’s fun and I can explore the snow-covered landscape easier. 
Še pogled iz zasneženega hriba v našo zeleno dolino.
This is a view from snowy hill to our green valley. 


  1. Wow, stunning. We has some snow but nothing like this. Enjoy. Anesha x

  2. I love the snow landscape photos! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Sylvia D.

  3. I've never tried snow shoeing - it looks like you had a wonderful time with gorgeous scenery!
    Thank you for sharing at

  4. I love the photos! The snow covered tree is my favorite

  5. Your pandemic measures sound a lot like ours here in the UK - kids home school, exercise our main outdoor freedom etc. It is hard to keep spirits up, but I am happy to see you are able to experience and embrace the beauty of nature and the great indoors still, in pockets of time.

    These are lovely snowy scenes that you have captured beautifully.

  6. Wow! That's truly a magical world with snow! I love the branches with all the heavy snow on them.

    It's so great to see your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

  7. Such a contrast to the heatwave we just had.

  8. snow can be so beautiful - like your photos

  9. Your photos are absolutely stunning! I really like them. I also know I would really enjoy snowshoeing. I totally agree with you about the sad situation with children's education.


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