the garden is my happy place

The best thing in the summer evenings is just sitting in the garden, connecting with nature, observing the natural world around me, flowers and grass and plants, and rechargeing the energy after a busy day… No phone calls, no emails, no endless to-do lists, just me and my plants on a warm August evening. I would stay here. It's a magical place.
V poletnih večerih je najlepše sedeti na vrtu, uživati v naravi, opazovati svet okoli sebe, rože in travo in vse rastline in si povrniti energijo po napornem dnevu. Brez telefonski klicev in mailov, brez seznamov obveznosti, samo jaz on moje rastlince v toplem avgustovskem večeru. Kar ostala bi v tem čarobnem kraju.


  1. ein schönes Bild..
    ich liebe meinen Garten auch
    liebe Grüße

  2. Being unconnected these days is rare. Enjoy!

  3. That garden is amazing Margi. Is that yours? It's a beautiful piece, and I want to sit there and connect with nature too. Thanks for joining Aimeslee's challenge at AJJ. hugs-Erika

  4. Love this and your post so so much, Margi. Thanks for adding this to AJJ. My hubby and I love to sit on our back porch and watch the hummingbirds and butterflies on our lantana plants. It refreshes the soul! xoxo

  5. Your painting is adorable! You depict a place so inviting, calming and soothing!

  6. A soothing garden created, Margi. I feel that it also would have been soothing creating it. Definitely a place I would love to relax in.


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