our garden in September 2024

Currently dahlias, anemones and roses are blooming and also someautumn asters, although they are a bit late this year. I've done some rearrangements in flower beds this month and in October I'm going to plant some tulip bulbs.
Trenutno cvetijo dalije, anemone in vrtnice, pa tudi jesenske astre, čeprav te letos malo zamujajo. Ta mesec sem premestila nekaj rož na cvetlični gredi, kmalu pa nameravam posaditi še čebulice tulipanov in narcis.
Although I've already planted a winter salad in the greenhouse, fresh tomatoes and peppers and zucchinis are still on our menu. I've saved some tomato seeds for next year.
Čeprav so paradižniki, paprika in bučke še vedno na našem jedilniku, sem v rastlinjak že posejala zimsko soloto. Letos sem tudi shranila nekaj paradižnikovih semen.
Drying basilica leaves is quite challenging. They quickly turn black. But I don't mind a little extra work and care, I simply love this herb.
Sušenje bazilike zahteva kar nekaj pazljivosti, saj listi hitro počrnijo. Kljub temu je vredno vložiti malo več časa in truda.
Autumn leaves, misty and chilly mornings and rainy days are here. Actually, last month the weather changed every few days, from heavy rain to warm and sunny. Someone is enjoying the autumn sun.
Jesensko listje, meglena in sveža jutra ter deževni dnevi so tu. Ta mesec se je vreme spreminjalo vsakih par dni, od lepega in toplega do močnega deževja. Nekdo pa ima jesensko sonce zelo rad.


  1. The blooms are gorgeous. That last photo is a keeper!

  2. Margi - it has been quite a while since I visited your blog, and I have missed your beautiful garden photographs. Asters and Russian Sage are the only plants still blooming in my garden, and those will fade quickly since we are having heavy frosts now. A friend gave us a bunch of basil last week, and my husband quickly put it to work in soups, and managed to use most of them before they started to turn black. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  3. Was the posy in your first picture a gift to a friend? Or for yourself? Lovely combination of vivid colours and varied textures.

  4. That's a beautiful bouquet and the rest of your garden still looks productive. That's a great idea for the basil I love the flavour of it too. Did your cat Lilli ever come home?

  5. She returned at the end of July. 😄

  6. Hi Margi. Thanks for dropping by my blog! Your garden is lovely, as is the bouquet at the top of your post. Your garden looks like it is progressing nicely into the fall season. In contrast, mine is still hanging on to summer ;)

  7. Hello, Margi. Your garden is a paradise on earth – especially so when I see your cat sleeping peacefully. Autumn flowers are too late here; now it’s 31 degrees C. I love your painting in the previous post.

  8. A labour of love! Your garden is so pretty! A sprinkle of fresh basil on your meals will taste so delicious and make your hard work all worth it!

  9. Your garden must bring you so much joy, Margi! Your blossoms are quite exquisite, especially that glorious pink rose. I imagine its perfume must waft through your garden.


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