hiking in Carnic Alps

It was rainy and foggy last Friday evening, as we were waiting in our van. But the next morning the rain stopped, and we had two days just for hiking. On Saturday we walked to Mt. Rauchkofel. After one hour and a half we reached the lake Volaia / Wolayersee hidden in the morning mist.
Prejšnji petek, ko sva čakala v kombiju je deževalo. Naslednje jutro pa je dež ponehal in midva sva se lahko dva dni potepala po hribih. V soboto sva šla na Rauchkofel. Po uri in pol hoje sva dosegla Jezero Volaia / Wolayersee, ki se je skrivalo v megli.
We continued walking over the grassy slope for another hour and a half until we reached the peak exactly at the time the weather had cleared up. (3 hours of walking, 1100 m altitude difference)
Po še naslednji uri in pol hoje čez travnata pobočja pa sva dosegla vrh (3 ure hoje, 1100 m višincev)
When we were returning to the parking lot, we stopped for a while and cooled our feet in a mountain stream. That felt good!
Med povratkom proti parkirišču sva se malo ustavila in si ohladila noge v potočku. Kako paše!
These little fellows are so cute. It's so nice to meet them.
Ti mali prijateljčki so tako ljubki, Vedno jih je lepo srečati.
Pic Chiadin was our Sunday destination. After about a two hours walk, we reached the mountain hut Marinelli. The valley was hidden under the fog, so we didn't stop for long. 
Najin nedeljski cilj je bil Pic Chiadin. Po približno dveh urah hoje sva prišla do koče Marinelli. Dolina je bila zakrita z meglo, zato se nisva dolgo ustavljala. 
After about half an hour we reached Pic Chiadin (2,5 hours of walking, 950 m altitude difference) with a nice view towards Monte Coglians and the nearby peaks. I love that mountain scenery.Če približno pol ure sva prišla na vrh Pic Chiadin (2,5 ure hoje, 950 višincev), kjer je krasen razled na Monte Coglians in sosednje vrhove. Tale gorska kulisa je enkratna.
Lots of larch trees were growing in this area. I wonder what the mountain looks like in October when larch trees glow yellow.
Na tem območju raste veliko macesnov. Zanima me, kako zgleda gora v oktobru, ko macesni zažarijo rumeno.


  1. Glad to hear that you managed to get above the fog and cloud for those amazing views. I always loved it when the mist would suddenly roll aside to reveal the mountains. You got some great photos.

  2. Unglaublich schön, ich komme sofort ins Träumen ...

    Liebe Grüße
    von Anke

  3. Spectacular excursion as you so often do. Thank you for sharing that area with us. Incredible mountains!

  4. I had never heard of the Carnic Alps so googled to see where they were! Some of your photos (summit cross and hut) reminded me of what I saw when I hiked in the Italian Dolomites and in Austria. I love your foggy photos, very dramatic looking! The larch trees in the mountains west of Calgary, Alberta will be changing to gold in a couple of weeks, always a beautiful sight!

  5. wundervolle Bilder
    ein herrliches Panorama
    liebe Grüße

  6. Beautiful! Is the stream water drinkable? Are you from Slovenia?

  7. I had not heard of the Carnic Alps, like Alexandra but google has also has helped me. I guess just a few hours drive for you. Dramatic mountains and a totally rewarding hike both in foggy and sunny conditions.


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