our garden in June 2023

We have been away for a week and it's amazing how much the garden changed in such a short time. Each day is important. This spring, a small seedling of the Alstroemeria was given to me and at the moment it is blooming for the first time. 
Prejšnji teden sva bila odsotna in kar neverjetno je, koliko se na vrtu spremeni v tako kratkem času. Vsak dan šteje. Letos spomladi sem dobila za darilo majhno sadiko čilske lilije, ki je sedaj prvič zacvetela.
This June was rainy and windy, exactly the weather the Hortensias love.
V primerjali z lanskim junijem je letos vreme precej bolj deževno, hladneje in vetrovno, kar ustreza hortenzijam.
The lavender will bloom soon. Little bee heaven! 
V naslednjih dneh bo zacvetela sivka. Mali raj za čebele.
The light and warmth in June encourage the plants to grow. In addition, this extra light causes weeds to sprout up from nowhere, so I have been busy gardening all the time. 
Junija svetloba in toplota povzročata rast, ne samo koristnih rastlin, ampak tudi plevelov, zato sem cel mesec zasedena z opravili na vrtu.
The tomato in the greenhouse produces little green fruits. We have already harvested garlic, peas and the first zucchini fruits, and we are still waiting for cucumbers.
Paradižnik v rastlinjaku je že velik in ima zelene plodove. Pobrali smo česen, grah in prve bučke, na kumarice pa še čakamo.
There is a lot going on in the garden in June. We can always see something new. I like the smell of Immortelle, different shades of green and watching fireflies in the evening hours.
V juniju se na vrtu veliko dogaja. Vedno lahko opazimo kaj novega. Meni je všeč vonj laškega smilja, številni odtenki zelene in opazovanje kresnic v večernih urah.
I’m linking this post to Sarah’s Down by the sea and Gartenwonne - ein Fachwerkhaus Im Grünen. I'm looking forward to see what’s happening in your gardens.
Objavo linkam na Sarin blog Down by the sea in na Gartenwonne - ein Fachwerkhaus Im Grünen. Veselim se branja, kaj se dogaja na vaših vrtovih.


  1. A busy but beautiful and joyous month to be in your wonderful garden, Margi. The colours and variety of vegetables is a delight to visit.

  2. There is obviously a lot of work which has gone into making such a pretty and productive garden. I enjoyed having a look around.

  3. Beautiful pictures from your garden, Margi. Your vegetables look great.

    Our June was very hot and too dry, last Thursday we had heavy thunderstorms.
    But our tomatoes love this weather, they have a lot of fruit.


  4. Beautiful splash of colors in your garden. You really have a green thumb, Margi. Until now, I hadn’t known Hydrangea’s another name “Hortensias.” I love the lovely pink colored Hortensias of you.

  5. I grew garlic and will harvest it next month. Yours looks plentiful! And great! Such beautiful blooms! I just put in my tomato plants last week!

  6. What a fantastic garlic harvest! That will certainly last you for a year. I don't think there is such a thing as too much garlic on anything. (My husband strongly disagrees.)


  7. It is amazing how much the garden can change in a week at this time of the year! Your garden produce is way ahead of ours.I love your Alstroemeria I have never been able to grow them.


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