our garden in May 2023

In our garden May is probably the most beautiful month. Usually, it was a busy month for me, full of intensive work and lack of time, except this year. Due to some medical problems with my fingers on the right hand it was impossible for me to do the gardening and I also had problems with other activities such as typing last month. So, the monthly report from my garden is a little late. But things are getting better, and I hope the situation will be normal soon. I really wouldn't like to moan. In fact this unwelcome pause gave me an opportunity to observe nature, listen to the birdsongs, look for the ladybug and eat some strawberries.
Na vrtu je verjetno maj najlepši mesec. Ponavadi sem ta mesec zelo zaposlena, imam polno opravil in kar naprej mi primanjkuje časa, Letošnje leto pa je izjema. Zaradi zdravstvenih problemov s prsti na desni roki nisem mogla vrtnariti, vsa opravila so postala težja in zakomplicirana, tudi tipkala sem težko. Zato moje mesečno poročilo iz vrta malo zamuja. Stvari se končno obračajo na bolje in močno upam, da bo kmalu vse spet normalno. Ampak res ne bi rada jamrala in se pritoževala. Ta nenačrtovani odmor mi je dal priložnost, da sem lahko v miru opazovala naravo, poslušala ptičje petje, poiskala pikapolonico in jedla jagode.
So, just in short, at this moment the roses are flowering, the peonies and irises have already bloomed. We must water the plants at this time, some vegetables such as potatoes and onions are doing well. The tomato and pepper seedlings are planted in the greenhouse.
Na kratko, trenutno cvetijo vrtnice, potonike in irisi so skoraj odcveteli. Sadike je potrebno stalno zalivati, krompir in čebula sta že velika, sadike paradižnika in paprik pa sem posadila v rastlinjak.
Evenings spend in the garden are magical. I love the sunshine hiding between the leaves and illuminating the plants. And if you look closely, you can see how beautiful the elderflowers are.
Večeri na vrtu so čarobni. Rada opazujem, kako se sončna svetloba skrije za liste in kako so rastline osvetljene. Če pogledate natančno, lahko opazite, kako lepi so bezgovi cvetovi.


  1. Marji, so sorry to read that you you have had problems with your hands. As frustraing as it must be not to be able to garden, it is wonderful to see you have this beautiful, colourful space to relax and observe in.

  2. WOW so beautiful ... your garden is wonderful.
    I love your flowers and the many beds with vegetables.

    All the best for your hand, because of a small operation , I also have to be very restrained in my garden.


  3. Glorious! With all the beauty around you, I hope you feel well and will be 100% soon!

  4. The garden is looking wonderful. I hope your hand soon heals and you'll be able to do a little more in the garden. Sometimes though it's good just to sit back and enjoy your surroundings.

  5. Sorry you haven't had a good month with your fingers. Your garden looks wonderful despite not being able to do so much. Hope you will soon get be on the mend, enjoy the strawberries in the meantime! Sarah x

  6. I can’t agree with you more that May is the most beautiful month, Margi. Your garden is so beautiful and luminous with various colors and lush green. I’ve had minor problems on my fingers one after another, but fortunately I’ve been able to manage. Wish best wishes for your fingers.


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