do gorskih jezerc / a hike to mountain lakes

Tudi prejšnjo nedeljo sva spet šla v hribe. Ker je toplo in je v tej vročini res težko hoditi, sva iskala primeren hrib, ki ni v celoti izpostavljen soncu. Čeprav sva bila na Kriških podih že večkrat sva se odločila, da se najprej iz Zadnjice povzpneva do koče, potem pa še malo nadaljujeva. Ta izlet ima namreč veliko prednost, večji del poti se iz doline vzpenjamo po gozdu, pod krošnjami dreves. Ko pa pridemo na sončna pobočja, smo že precej visoko. Lepo bi bilo, če bi lahko v koči lahko prespala in naslednji dan raziskovala okolico, ampak koča je bila popolnoma zasedena.
As usual, last Sunday we went hiking again. It was hot and therefore quite demanding to hike at high temperatures, so we were looking for an appropriate trail that wouldn't be fully exposed to the sun. Although we have been to Kriški podi several times, we decided to climb from Zadnjica to the mountain hut, and later we intended to continue a little further to the upper lake. The very important advantage of this hike is that most of the trail climbs from the valley through the forest, under the canopy of the trees. When we reach the sunny slopes, we are already at quite high altitude. Of course, it would be nice if we could have slept overnight in the hut and explored the area the next day, but unfortunately the cabin was fully booked.
Vstala sva že okrog 4h zjutraj, nato je sledila vožnja do izhodišča in najprej vzpon mimo spodnjega Kriškega jezera do koče, kjer sva si malo odpočila in nadaljevala do zgornjega Kriškega jezera. Tokrat sva se zmenila, da najprej hodiva do cilja, fotkala bom pa po poti nazaj.
We got up at around 4 in the morning, drove to the starting point and ascended to the lower lake and the hut, where we rested a little and later continued to the upper lake. This time we decided to walk uphill without stopping and to take photos on our way back.
Zgornje Kriško jezero je od koče oddaljeno približno 45 minut v smeri Križa in je najvišje ležeče slovensko jezero (2154 m). Skrito je med mogočnimi vrhovi. Tu sva si malo odpočila ter občudovala razgled na gore in na jezero. Ena tistih lepših stvari v hribih je tudi ta, da se usedeš, ustaviš in samo gledaš naravo okrog sebe.
The upper lake is about 45 minutes away from the cottage in the direction of Križ and it is the highest Slovenian lake (2154 m). It's hidden among mighty mountain peaks. Here we rested for a few minutes and admired the view of the mountains and the lake. One of the most beautiful things in the hills are those precious moments, when we sit down and just look at the nature around us.
Nato sva se vračala proti Pogačnikovemu domu.
Then we returned to Pogačnik's home

Malo pred kočo je v kotanji srednje jezero. Na njegovih bregovih je bilo veliko planik. Toliko na kupu jih že dolgo nisem videla.
A little in front of the hut is a middle lake, located in the basin. There were plenty of edelweiss in its vicinity. I haven't seen so many of them in a long time.
Spodnje Kriško jezero leži pod kočo in je lahko dostopno.
The lower lake lies below the hut and is easily accessible.
Iz Zadnjice do Zgornjega Kriškega jezera sva potrebovala približno 5 ur, premagala sva 1500 višincev. Ob povratku na parkirišče sva prehodila skupno 25 km. Danes me je prijateljica vprašala, če sem utrujena. Mogoče me malo bolijo noge, ampak jaz sem spočita in polna energije.
It took us about 5 hours from Zadnjica to the upper lake, and we overcame 1.500 m altitude. We walked 25 km in total. Today a friend asked me if I was tired. Maybe my legs hurt a little, but I am as fresh as a daisy.


  1. That is a big day in these magnificent, mountain peaks. Your photos remind me of the Dolomites, which I suppose are really not far away. The Edelweiss are beautiful!

    1. Actually, the Dolomites are only about a four-hour drive away from us.

  2. That is quite the level of fitness. Well done!

    It is such a beautiful area too!

  3. You see amazing views during your hikes Margi. All this is out of my reach because of my age & week legs. But I love to see it all through your eyes.

  4. Wonderful views.

  5. Margi - once again, I am wowed by the magnificent landscapes, and that is saying something since we have some pretty spectacular mountains in Montana! And Edelweiss - the icing on the cake! Well done to do 15 miles with the elevation!


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