Pariz kot ga vidi moja hči / Paris through my daughter's eyes

Tale objava pa ni moja. Napisala jo je moja hči, ki je bila vedno navdušena nad Francijo, francoščino in vsem francoskim.
This post here isn’t written by me. The author is my daughter, who has always been fascinated by France, French language and everything French.

Najprej bi se rada predstavila. Sem hči lastnice tega spletnega dnevnika, ki me je prosila, naj napišem svojo zgodbo o potovanju v Pariz to poletje. Sem študentka francoskega jezika. Tako da ja, ni težko uganiti, Pariz je na mojem seznamu želja že nekaj let. Na srečo me je fant končno prepričal, da grem. Preden sem si lahko premislila, sva rezervirala dve letalski karti.
First of all, I would like to introduce myself. I am a daughter of the owner of this blog who asked me to share my story about my trip to Paris this summer. I am a student who studies the French language, so yes, you have guessed, Paris has been on my bucket list for a couple of years. Luckily, my boyfriend finally persuaded me to go. So, before I could change my mind, we booked two flight tickets.
Iskreno povedano, bilo me je kar malo strah, ker sem si mislila, kaj če Pariz ni tak, kot ga vidimo v filmih ali na družabnih omrežjih, kaj če bom razočarana... pa, sem se motila.
Ni trajalo dolgo, ko me je Pariz čisto očaral in začaral. Arhitektura, ljudje, ulični umetniki, količina luksuznih francoskih znamk oblačil, zaradi katerih se počutiš kot milijonar in tisti slasten vonj, ki prihaja iz pekarn na vsakem koraku skozi mesto. 
I was a bit scared because I thought to myself what if Paris isn't like the Paris we see in films or social media, what if I will be disappointed.... oh, was I wrong.
It didn't take a lot of time before I was already fascinated by everything. The architecture, the people, the street artists, the amount of luxury French clothing brands making me feel like a millionaire and oh my, the delicious smell coming out of bakeries tempting me on every step through the city.
Mislim, da imam veliko srečo, saj je bil prvi dan mojega potovanja tudi francoski državni praznik. Prva lekcija kulture, ki sem jo dobila, je bilo praznovanje. Čeprav nisem Francozinja, sem z veseljem spremljala spektakularno predstavo ob Eifflovem stolpu. Na koncu sem bila videti kot ponosen francoski državljan, ki bi se vsako leto z veseljem udeleži tega praznovanja.
I consider myself very lucky, because the first day of my trip was also France's national holiday and the first culture lesson I got was celebration. Though I am not French, I happily watched the spectacular performance by the Eiffel tower. By the end of it I looked like a proud French citizen who would love to attend this celebration every single year.
Tudi naslednji dnevi niso razočarali. S fantom sva se trudila obiskati kar največ pomembnih zgradb, cerkev, muzejev, galerij in parkov. Naj pojasnim, obisk najbolj znanih muzejev v Parizu zelo priporočam. Za evropske študente so namreč vstopnine brezplačne. Zato sva seveda tudi midva izkoristila priložnost.
The following days did not disappoint. Me and my boyfriend tried to visit every single important building, church, museum, gallery and park. I must add that visiting the most famous museums in Paris is very convenient when you are an European student since the entry fees are free. So naturally, we seized the opportunity and paid a visit to all of them.
Med sprehajanjem po galerijah in muzejih sem občudovala najljubše umetnike in sploh umetnost. Med vsemi lepimi stvarmi, ki sem jih videla, nikoli nisem mogla izbrati najljubšega. Vse je dih jemajoče in unikatno.
During my strolling through galleries and museums I found new favourite artists and appreciation for art. Of all the beautiful things I saw I could never pick a favourite. Everything is breath-taking and unique.
Da bi bila moja izkušnja še boljša in da bi resnično okusila pravo Francijo, sem seveda poskusila veliko francoskega peciva, dokler nisem ugotovila, da sem obsedena s 'pain au chocolat'. Nakupila tudi kar preveč knjig v francoščini. Ampak knjige imam zelo rada in seveda malo preveč zapravim zanje, vendar si ves čas govorim, da je v redu, ker bo njihovo branje prispevalo k moji francoščini.
To make my experience even better and to really get a taste of the culture I naturally tried a lot of French pastries until I found myself obsessed with 'pain au chocolat'. But since you can't just eat pastry, I also had to buy too many books in French. I am a bookworm and of course I spend a little bit too much on them, but I keep telling myself that it's fine because reading them will contribute to my French.
Preden iz svojega potovanja naredim cel roman, bi rada samo povedala, da sem hvaležna za to izkušnjo. Bilo je tako romantično, izjemno in sladko.
Mesto luči, vedno boš maslo mojega življenja. Merci beaucoup et à bientôt!
Before I make a whole novel out of my trip, I would just like to say how grateful I am to have experienced this. It was so romantic, exceptional and sweet.
The city of lights, you will always be the butter to my life. Merci beaucoup et à bientôt!


  1. The French pastries are wonderful. Such a great visit by the sound of it and speaking the language is so helpful. Experiencing the culture is everything though!

  2. Thank you for taking me back to Paris and seeing it through your excited eyes. It is a special city!

  3. Margi - how nice to have a guest blogger, especially when it's your daughter and she had such a special time in Paris. Our daughter went one summer, accompanied by her former au pair who speaks French. They had an incredible time - their feet were so sore every day from all the walking!


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