razglednice / postcards

Še en teden je minil, pri nas pa še vedno ni dežja. Prejšnjo soboto se je sicer močno pooblačilo in na tiho smo se že veselili kakšne nevihte, ampak nič. Čez čas se je spet zjasnilo, pa še veter piha že nekaj dni. Kar malo čudno je pogledati v sosednji hrib, ki je že čisto rjav. Včasih se sprašujem, če so suhi samo listi ali že drevesa umirajo. Dež je nekaj čisto običajnega in normalnega in nekega dne bo gotovo moralo začeti deževati in spet bomo lahko občudovali našo zeleno dolino. Samo tega čakanja smo že res naveličani.
Another week has passed and there is still no rain here. Last Saturday it was very cloudy, and we were quietly looking into the sky waiting for a storm, but nothing happened. After a while it cleared up again, and then the wind has been blowing for a few days. It's a bit strange to look at the nearby hill, which is already completely brown. Sometimes I wonder if it's just the leaves that are dry or maybe the trees are already dying? I keep thinking, rain is quite common and normal and one day it will definitely have to start raining and we will be able to admire our green valley again, but we are really tired of waiting.
Vročina nas izčrpava, pa tudi jemlje nam voljo, počutimo se utrujene. Naš tamal gre vsak popoldne plavat v Sočo, ki ima kakšnih 15 do 18°C. Pravi, da je to najboljša reka in edina, ki človeka malo ohladi. Tam se dobi s prijatelji in uživa v najlepši reki.
The heat is exhausting, and we feel tired all the time. Our little son goes swimming every afternoon in river Soča, which is about 15 to 18°C. He says that Soča is the best river and the only one that cools you down a little. He meets his friends there and together they enjoy the most beautiful river.
Kljub vročini, je meni Soča še vedno premrzla. Raje se zapeljem do bližnje Nadiže, ki je veliko bolj prijetna.
Despite the heat, river Soča is still too cold for me. I prefer to drive to the nearby Nadiža, which is a little bit warmer and nicer.
Popoldne še vedno urejam vrt, kaj novega posadim in upam, da bomo le dočakali dež in da se bo kaj spremenilo. Tile mali plodovi v velikosti oreha so nashiji. Prav smešno jih je videti, pa še čudnega okusa so.
In the afternoon I'm still working in the garden, planting new things and hoping that rain comes soon. These small walnut-sized fruits are nashi fruits. They look funny, and taste strange.
Včasih smo med počitnicami dobivali kartice od prijateljev na dopustu. Lepo je bilo pogledati, kje vse so naši kolegi. Danes le še redki pošiljajo tiste prave kartice po pošti. Sploh ne vem pred koliko leti sem dobila zadnjo. Zato pa večkrat dobim kakšno slikico na messenger, s pozdravčki in srčki. Tudi te me vedno razveselijo. Spodnje sem dobila od svojih velikih otrok, ki se potepajo s svojimi s svojimi prijatelji.
Years ago, we used to get cards from friends during the holidays. It was nice to see the places where our colleagues were and to receive greetings. Today, sending postcards by post is very rare. I don't even remember how many years ago I got the last one. But I often get a picture on messenger with greetings and hearts. These modern cards always make me happy. Lately I got two from my big kids who were traveling with their friends.

Prva je od hčere iz Pariza, druga pa od sina iz Dolomitov. Pa lepe pozdrave.
The first postcard is from my daughter and the second one from my son sending greetings from Paris and the Dolomites.


  1. We are having the first serious amount of rain in about three weeks. Wish we could share with you. I hope you get some soon.

  2. Those trees may be dying, but most likely they will recover next year. I remember sending postcards every time I went on holiday - my mother used to keep them all at one time. I hope we all get some rain and cooler weather soon - temperatures of around 36 C are forecast for later this week here.

  3. Hello from Australia. I have just discovered your blog through Marie of 'Island Musings'. Several years ago I walked in your beautiful Slovenia and by chance, my son who works in Graz, Austria, has just spent this week cycling through your mountains. Unusually, Eastern Australia has had an overabundance of rain this year. I would love to share it with Europe.


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