
Matajur je čisto blizu nas, naš domači hrib, zato večkrat »skočimo« tja gor. Na Matajurju smo bili pozimi, v mrazu, pa poleti, ko so bili naši otroci še čisto majhni in smo morali s seboj nesti igrače, pa ob sončnem zahodu
Matajur is near us, it’s very popular and frequently visited. We were on Matajur peak in winter, in the cold and windy weather, in summer, when our children were very little and we had to carry toys in our backpacks, we observed the sunsets there
Matajur (1641 m) leži med Slovenijo in Italijo, na vrh vodi več poti. Najlažja in najkrajša traja manj kot uro in se začne pri planinski koči Rifugio Pelizzo. Pot je nezahtevna in primerna tudi za majhne otroke. Na Matajur se lahko odpravimo tudi iz naše Slovenije in sicer iz Svina ali iz Avs pri Livku, kjer sva startala midva. Ta pot se položno vzpenja in traja približno dve uri in pol.
Matajur (1641 m) is located between Slovenia and Italy, several paths lead to the top. The easiest and shortest one leads from the mountain hut Rifugio Pelizzo and takes less than an hour. The trail is undemanding and suitable for small children. Matajur peak can be reached from Slovenia. We started at village Avsa and walked for about three hours over the gentle slopes to the peak.

Na vrhu Matajurja je pihalo, zato sva zavetje poiskala v preddverju cerkvice. Ob jasnih dnevih Matajur nudi razgled vse do Jadranskega morja, do Alp in celo do italijanskih Dolomitov. Tokrat je bil pogled proti morju bolj meglen, pogled proti hribom pa precej bolj jasen in razločen.
It was windy on the top of Matajur, so we found shelter in the church lobby. On clear days, Matajur offers a view all the way to the Adriatic Sea, to the Alps and even the Dolomites in Italy. This time the view towards the sea was misty and foggy, however, the view towards the hills was clear and distinct.


  1. Wow those views are incredible especially the mountains surrounded in mist. thank you for sharing. Sarah x

  2. Another great adventure on the mountains! The third and fifth photos are exceptional! Wow. Like waves…

  3. Absolutely beautiful scenery and that little church perched on top of the hill is delightful! Thank you for sharing these photos.

  4. Wow, the shots of the misty mountains look great! The are like giant waves of the ocean. Wishing a nice February.

  5. Wonderful views, I love the misty mountains.


  6. The mist and snow are beautiful Margi! I have never lived where it is that cold in the winter and I would be a little afraid. But that is because I do not know better. I do love mountains and thank you for showing them.


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