meglen dan na Velem polju / a foggy day in the mountains

Prejšnji teden je bilo vreme nekoliko slabše, nekaj dni je tudi deževalo. Ker pa je dež do sobote prenehal, sva se spet odpravila v hribe. Upala sem, da bom lahko občudovala rumene macesne, vendar so se moje sanje kmalu končale. Prejšnji teden je v višinah namreč snežilo in macesnom so odpadle iglice. Stara drevesa so bila že čisto gola, majhna pa so se še vedno ponašala z rumeno lepoto.
The weather got worse last week and it was raining for a day or two. Since the rain had stopped before Saturday, we spent the day in the mountains. I hoped that we could admire yellow larch trees, but my dreams ended quickly. Last week it was snowing at higher altitudes and yellow larch needles fell off. While old trees lost their beauty, the little ones were still bright yellow. 
Sneg in ledene sveče so dokaz, da se bliža zima.
Snow and icicles are clear evidence of the upcoming winter.
Bila sem zelo presenečena, ker sva ob poti videla okoli petdeset gamsov, samih na skali, takih, ki se skrivajo v megli, pa v paru ali v čredi. Sploh se naju niso ustrašili, samo stali so in naju gledali. Malo se mi smilijo, ni najlažje preživeti mrzle zime v teh višinah.
To my surprise we saw about fifty chamois, alone on the rock, hiding in a fog, a couple and a herd of them. They weren't scared at all, they just stood and looked at us. I felt sorry for them, it's not easy to survive the winter up there.
V dolini so macesni še vedno rumeni. Nekaj fotk sva naredila ob povratku. Kljub meglenemu dnevu so bili čudoviti.
In the valley the larch trees were still yellow, so we took some photos on our arrival. Despite the foggy day they looked wonderful.


  1. Thank you for this trip to the mountains! I enjoyed it. Our larch has yet to turn.

  2. Oh wow. What a fabulous landscape. I love larch trees, so fascinating how they look like evergreens but are deciduous. Their autumn colour is outstanding as are those mountains!
    Jacquie x

  3. Those larches look fantastic and how wonderful to see the Chamois.

  4. Beautiful land! You are blessed to live there. I have never seen a Chamois but could tell they are majestic animals.

  5. Margi - winter has also arrived here, and I am ok with it. It has a beauty all its own! I would rather have snow than rain, any day!


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