kilometrčki / walking challenge 2021

Januarja sem premišljevala o izzivih za letošnje leto. Razmišljala sem o ideji, da bi veliko hodila, mogoče vsak dan. Če sem čisto poštena, cilja prehoditi 1000 milj sploh nisem upala napisati, ker sem vedela, da ne bo čisto enostavno. Vsak dan po službi, sledijo hišna opravila pa vrtnarjenje v poletnem času. Ponavadi sem zvečer čisto izmučena. Po drugi strani pa imam težave s hrbtom in vsakdanja hoje je bolj nuja kot pa hobi. Na začetku leta sem hodila vsak dan, pozneje pa predvsem zaradi dela na vrtu ob vikendih. Med poletjem sem šla na daljše in zahtevnejše pohode, pogosto v hribe. Hribe imam rada, meni razgled z vrha poplača napor vzpona.
Back in January I was thinking about a challenge for this year. I loved the idea of walking every day. If I'm honest, I didn't write about my final goal to walk 1000 miles, because I knew it won't be easy. Every day after I finish my job, I have to cook, do the laundry, during the summer I usually work in the garden and at the end of the day I'm completely exhausted. On the other hand, I have frequent pains in my back and everyday walking should be a must not a privilege. I realized that simple fact and started to walk almost every day at the beginning of the year. Later I was walking during the weekends due to work in the garden. Also, my hikes were longer and more difficult. Mostly I was hiking in the mountains. I adore the mountain scenery, so for me the view from the mountain peaks is worth the effort of walking uphill.
Vem, da sem lahko vesela, ker me že skoraj odrasli otroci stalno ne potrebujejo doma. Hvaležna sem vsem , ki so z mano prehodili majhen košček poti, najbolj pa mojemu možu, ki je z mano plezal na najvišje vrhove in me stalno vzpodbujal.
I know I'm lucky to have older children who don't need me to be at home all the time. I thank not only all friends who walked with me even a small piece of the trail, but also my husband for climbing the highest mountains together and encouraging me all the time. 
Zadnje dneve sem hodila zvečer, večinoma v temi. Zaradi nizkega sonca so sence dolge in dan se hitro konča.
The last few days I was walking in the dark. The low sun gave long shadows and the dayended quickly. 

Prehojene kilometre sem si zapisovala v tabelo.
I recorded my progress in a table on my computer.

Mehurčki za praznovanje uspeha...
We bought some champagne to celebrate.

2021 se še ni končalo. Še vedno bom hodila in si pisala kilometrčke. Ampak, ker hoje v temi na maram najbolj, bom mogoče nekaj časa porabila za slikanje ali pletenje. Tele male ptičke sem na kos lesu naslikala prejšnji teden.
2021 is not over yet. I'm going to walk and record my miles and let's see the final result. Considering the fact, I dislike walking in the dark evenings I’m going to spend some time painting or knitting. These little birds painted on a piece of wood were made last week.


  1. Your walks in the mountains are beautiful! Walking is the best exercise although I know it can be difficult to be motivated to do it every day. When I had a device that measured steps I found that even walking around my house and yard added up as exercise. Keep up your goals. Your painting of little birds is beautiful!

  2. Congratulations on all that walking. The craft work is great. The light in that first photo is beautiful.

  3. You are lucky to be able to walk in these fantastic landscapes. I try to excersise also a bit every day: garden work, walking or kettle bells. Moving is essential.

  4. Beautiful scenes! Love the bird painting.

  5. A great achievement and some beautiful photos too.

  6. Margi - sometimes we set a difficult goal, and although we may not achieve it, we learn that the real achievement is what we see along the way! Fabulous pictures, as always!

  7. Your photos are just gorgeous. And that is a wonderful goal. 1,000 miles is a lot. and your birds are beautiful. They have wonderful faces for our Art Journal JOurney challenge. That is a different media to make a journal page on, but I guess it works. So thanks for sharing it with us. hugs-Erika

  8. Wow! You have beautiful scenery to walk in Margi. I like to try and walk in the countryside every day, it really helps my back and my mental health too.
    Your birds are beautiful, we have all of those birds in our garden and I love watching them.
    Congratulations on your walking achievement.

  9. Lovely views from your walks Margi. I love your birds. Hugs, Chrisx

  10. What a lovely painting! And beautiful photos.

  11. Your walking plan looks like it was a good one! Beauiful scenery too. A blessing for sure. Your birds are beautiful and so well done.

  12. Wow, what a beautiful place to walk and I love your bird paintings too 😁. Take care and Happy January! Hugs Jo x


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