Musc in Stol /sunny Saturday
Ker je včasih lepo obiskati znane kraje, sva se prejšnjo soboto odpravila na hribe, ki se vzpenjajo nas malo vasjo, kjer sem živela kot otrok. Na Musc in na Stol, med pogovorom in spomini o otroštvu, osnovni šoli in takratnih potepanjih po hribih. Čeprav bi morala poznati pravzaprav že vsak kotiček, je še vedno lepo iti tja gor. Ti hribi so na začetku Alp in z vrha na lep sončen dan lahko vidiš tja do morja na eni strani in vse tja do skalnatih gor na drugi strani.
Sometimes it's nice to visit familiar places. So, last Saturday we headed to the mountains above the village, where I lived as a child. This place reminds me of my childhood, schooldays, and hiking on these mountains. Even though, I think I know every little corner of these hills, it feels good to hike there. These hills are situated at the beginning of the Alps and from the peak it's possible to see the sea on one side and rocky Alps on the other on a sunny day.
V dolini je bila še megla, ko sva začela hoditi v hribe obsijane s soncem. Bilo je toplo, hodila sva v kratkih rokavih, v nahrbtniku pa nosila toplo majico, windstopper, kapo in celo rokavice. Ja, je le november in nikoli ne veš.
It was still foggy in the valley when we approached the mountains illuminated by the sun. It was very warm, and we walked only in T-shirts although we carried rucksacks with pullovers, windstoppers, cups and gloves. It's November and you never know.
Med potjo do bivaka na Muscu sva videla gamse, srne in lisico. Moj mobi je za slike živali prepočasen in neuporaben. Kar malo me je jezilo, da sem fotoaparat pustila doma.
During our walk to bivouac Musc we saw chamois, deers and a fox. I must admit that photos of animals on my mobile phone are useless and leaving my camera at home wasn't a good idea after all.
Hoja po grebenu od Musca do Stola je bila v par krajih malo zahtevnejša. Končno sva dosegla Stol z antenami na vrhu.
Walking over the mountain ridge was a little demanding at some places. Finally, we reached another peak Stol with an antenna station on its peak.
Po krajšem odmoru sva se spustila po travnatem pobočju in nato hodila skozi bukov gozd po kupih suhega listja.
After a short break we were descending over a grassy hillside and later through the beech forest walking through dry leaves.
Dan je hitro minil. Ob prihodu do avta sva za trenutek še videla rdeč hrib, ki ga poljublja večerno sonce. Hodila sva okoli sedem ur in premagala približno 1300 m višincev. O, kako imam rada sončne sobote!
The day ended quickly and for a moment we saw a red hill kissed by the sun. We walked about seven hours and overcame approximately 1300 m altitude. I love sunny Saturdays.
Super views of the mo.untains; the phone did a great job. The mountains change only very slowly, whereas I grew up in a small village which has now completely disappeared beneath modern housing
ReplyDeleteWOW, the last picture ... !!! A burning mountain! How adorable. What a wonderful hike you had and yes for sure I love these days when I'm up the mountains in the sun and beneath my feeds the fog is covering the world like a blanket.
ReplyDeleteAll my best an a happy happy Christmas time
The views you share are breathtaking! Seven hours’ hike demands a good physics. Respect.