
Slovenci smo zelo ponosni na naš Triglav. Kljub temu, da je treba kar precej prehoditi in tudi plezati, da dosežemo vrh, je med nami zelo priljubljen.   
Slovenians are very proud of our highest mountain Triglav. Despite the fact that the peak can be reached after more hours of hiking and also climbing, Triglav is a very popular mountain here. 

Prejšnji četrtek sva šla iz Pokljuke do Vodnikovega doma in tam prespala. Naslednje jutro sva nadaljevala pot do Kredarice.
Last Thursday we walked to the mountain cabin Vodnikov dom from Pokljuka and slept there. In the morning we continued to walk to Kredarica. 
Zgodnje jutro je bilo zelo megleno. Ko pa sva dosegla določeno višino, je posijalo sonce in lahko sva občudovala megleno morje pod nama.
Early in the morning it was really foggy. After we reached a certain height, the weather cleared up and we were watching the sea of fog below us. 
Po nekaj urah hoje sva dosegla Kredarico, kjer sva si malo odpočila. Ko sva sedala na majhni klopci in opazovala veliko goro pred nama, me je postalo kar malo strah. Razmišljala sem, ali bom uspela priti do vrha. Saj na Triglavu sem že bila, ampak s smeri Doliča in tam ne zgleda tako visoko, vsaj meni ne. Moj mož se je smejal mojemu razmišljanju in me spodbujal, naj vsaj poskusim preden obupam. Seveda je imel prav, sploh ni bilo tako hudo. Na vrh vodi zavarovana plezalna pot. Največji problem je umikanje številnim obiskovalcem, ki plezajo na vrh ali se spuščajo v dolino.
After a few hours walking we reached Kredarica and took a break. We were sitting on a little bench and watching a big mountain we had to climb ahead of us and I felt a little fear. I mean, I had already been on Triglav reaching the top from Dolič direction and it didn't look so high. Here the massive mountain is ahead of you. My husband was smiling and encouraged me. He was right. We should never give up without even trying. In fact, it wasn't so hard. A secured climbing path leads to the peak. The main problem is avoiding many visitors. 

Razgled z vrha je čudovit in kot vsi Slovenci sem bila tudi jaz malo ponosna, da mi je uspelo priti čisto do Aljaževega stolpa.
The view from the top is amazing and like all Slovenians I was a little proud of myself to reach the top again. 
Na Kredarici iz skal in kamenja rastejo triglavske rože, eden od simbolov Triglavskega narodnega parka.
Near Kredarica Triglav flowers (or Triglav rose), which is one of the symbols of Triglav national park, grow from rocks and stones.


  1. The kind of walk I would have enjoyed a few years ago, though these days I prefer something rather more gentle. Enjoy the mountains while you can.

  2. Wow!

    Thought that was the Russian flag for a second. Kind of shy to admit I had to look up the Slovenian flag to see what it looks like! 😊

  3. My gosh - what a rugged, strenuous climb that must be!
    Thanks for sharing at

  4. The climb looks a bit scary, but the rewards of the view from up there is worth it I'm sure.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  5. Wow, that is so amazing and beautiful. Thanks for sharing it with us. Very nice. #anythinggoes

  6. Aplause to you, you are a tough lady. Fabulous views!

  7. Well done. That is a steep climb to the top but well worth it when you see those magnificent views.

  8. WOW impressive pictures and wonderful views.

  9. wow! cudos for the achievment. effort worth while.

  10. Amazing photos and an amazing accomplishment! That second photo shows is like nothing I’ve ever seen and that sixth photo looks death defying! Wonderful accomplishment!

    I miss mountains.

  11. That is amazing!! Not sure about the walk up there tho!!

  12. Wow, that's an amazing trip to see wonderful views!

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!

  13. Climbing looks a bit scary but after reaching the summit the view is breath taking.


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