dolina Triglavskih jezer / the Valley of the Triglav Lakes

Dolina Triglavskih ali sedmerih jezer je zagotovo ena najlepših dolin v naših Alpah in verjetno tudi med najbolj priljubljenimi med planinci.
The Valley of the Triglav Lakes or the Seven Lakes Valley is one of the most beautiful places and one of the most popular hiking trails in our Alps.
Do jezer lahko pridemo iz Zadnjice ali iz Bohinja. Včeraj se je naša skupinica planincev podala do Dvojnega in do Velikega jezera (v Ledvicah). Pot smo začeli na planini Blato in nadaljevali do koče pri Triglavskih jezerih (1685 m), kar je trajalo približno tri ure. Najprej smo hodili po gozdu in po planinah z številnimi pastirskimi kočami
The lakes are accessible from Zadnjica valley near Bovec or from Bohinj. Yesterday our little group of hikers visited two lakes (the Double Lake and the Great Lake). Coming from Bohinj, more exactly from Planina Blato we continued to the Hut by the Triglav lakes (1685 m), which lasted about three hours. We walked through the woods and across alpine pastures dotted with wooden herdsmen huts
ter prišli do Dvojnega jezera pri planinski koči. Tu se je naša skupinica razdelila na dva dela. Mlajši pohodniki so ostali pri jezeru, uživali na sončku in klepetali.
and approached the Double Lake next to the Hut by Triglav lakes. Here our group of hikers split into two parts. The younger members stayed near the lake, enjoyed the sunny day, and had a nice chat.
Drugi pa smo nadaljevali pot do jezera v Ledvicah (1930 m). Pot nas je vodila čez skalnata pobočja, dreves pa je vedno manj, še največ je macesnov.
The others continued hiking to the Great Lake (1930 m). Now we were walking across a rocky landscape with fewer trees and almost all of them were larches.
Veliko jezero (oz. jezero v Ledvicah) je pod ogromno skalo, na kateri rastejo macesni. Čeprav zaradi rahlega vetra nismo mogli opazovati odseva v vodi, je bil razgled na jezero čudovit.
The Great Lake is situated near a huge rock with larch trees on its peak. Although, it was a little windy and we couldn’t see the reflection in the water, we enjoyed the view of the green lake.
Če se vračamo čez Štapce, lahko z višine opazujemo Dvojno jezero.
The path over Štapce offered a view of the Double Lake from a distance.
Navadno planinarim v družbi svojega moža. Včasih pa prav paše kakšen pohod z širšo družino ali prijatelji. Ti pohodi so tudi priložnost za pogovor in tega mi ženske ne bi zamudile.
Though, I usually hike with my husband, and I appreciate his company, it’s nice to walk with a group of family and friends. It’s an opportunity to chat and that’s what we women wouldn’t miss, would we?
Sedaj so macesni še vedno zeleni. Ampak jesen se bliža in približno v enem mesecu se bodo obarvali rumeno in dolina bo zasijala v rumenih barvah. Pred nekaj leti sem dolino Triglavski jezer obiskala v oktobru, fotke najdete tukaj. Sestra pravi, da je tu čudovito v juniju, ko lahko občudujemo gorsko cvetje. Res romantična dolina, vedno primerna za obisk.
Now the larch trees are still green and fresh. But autumn is in the air and in about a month they will become yellow, and the valley will look amazing. A few years ago, I had an opportunity to visit it in October, the pictures can be seen here. My sister told that in June numerous mountain flowers could be seen. It’s really a very romantic valley, worth visiting anytime.


  1. Wow. Love the pink wildflowers with the lake shot! Gorgeous!

  2. Gorgeous images - each and every one! What a beautiful place.
    Thanks so much for sharing with us at

  3. How wonderful it must be to hike in the Alps! The terrain looks so interesting and it must be beautiful in all seasons

  4. That's a really beautiful valley. I especially enjoyed the photos in the earlier blog where the larches are showing their autumn colour, though well worth seeing at any season.

  5. The March trees are among the last to change colour here.

    This was a wonderful hike. The terrain looks challenging but well worth the effort.

    Thank you for taking us along.

  6. So pristine.
    Such great rewards for the hike. :)

  7. Such an amazing place. You are fortunate being able to walk there and enjoy the scenery.

  8. A wonderful part of the world.
    Looks like wild chives along the lake front. So beautiful!

  9. Going above the tree line feels like stepping into another world, doesn't it?

  10. Wow! What fabulous scenery!

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!

  11. The water in the lake was so clear. It was beautiful.
    I enjoyed the hike tremendously.


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