vrt v juliju / our garden in July 2021

V juliju so zacveteli ameriški slamniki. Ker je njihova vzgoja zelo enostavna in so tudi precej odporni na različno vreme, jih imam polno v svojem vrtu. Pred dvema letoma sem posadila rastline z roza, rdečimi, rumenimi in belimi cvetovi. Slamnik z rdečimi svetovi je zelo zrasel, tisti z belimi, pa ni preživel zime.
Echinacea is blooming this month. I like it because it is easy to grow and quite weather resistant. Two years ago, I planted pink, red, yellow, and white plants. The red flower is very big, on the contrary, the white one didn't survive the winter.
Končno so dozoreli prvi paradižniki. Letos precej pozno, zato bomo paradižnikovo solato še rajši jedli. Pobrali smo česen, izkopali prvi krompir, čebula pa je še čisto zelena.
The first tomatoes are finally red and ripe. This year they were a bit late, however we can enjoy tomato salad now. It is delicious. We have harvested garlic, dug the first potatoes, onion is still green.
Zacvetela je sivka in že je polna čebel.
The lavender is flowering. The little flowers are full of bees.
Veverice so pojedle vse dozorele ringloje. Predvidevam, da so jim bili všeč, sicer bi pustile kakšnega za nas.
Red greengage plums were eaten by squirrels. I think they had to be tasteful, otherwise they would have left some for us.
V maju sem v lonec posadila dinjo. Zaenkrat lepo raste.
I've planted a melon in a pot in last May. So far it is growing well.
Naše dvorišče je postalo igrišče za naše mačka. Stara mačka je kar malo sovražna do malih dveh. Včasih je težko sklepati prijateljstva.
Our courtyard is a beautiful playground for our cats. Our old cat is a little hostile to the small ones. Making friends can be difficult sometimes.


  1. Sweet kitties, they are adorbe. I love your flowers and garden. Anesha x

  2. The garden is wonderful. As an "old cat" myself I know how trying it can be sometimes to have young ones around!

  3. That is an amazing selection of Echinacea they must love the conditions you give them! Your vegetable and fruit garden is very productive ours isn't very good this year so I have not featured it! Those young cats are adorable. Sarah x

  4. Your Echinaceas are stunning! Cute little kittens, I hope they will conquer the older cat’s heart in the days to come.

  5. Little cats - just want to make friends ... Our neighbour has a new cat, Thomas woke up to find a little face peering at him. NOT happy!!

  6. What lovely garden images!

  7. Margi - thank you so much for linking to Mosaic Monday! I love your flowers, and the tomatoes made my mouth water. So sorry the squirrels took all the plums!

  8. O to pa je vrt- prekrasen za oči in dušo.


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