sončni vzhod na Krnu / Krn sunrise

Vzpenjati smo se začeli ob dveh zjutraj. Potem ko smo porabili približno tri ure za 1200 metrov vzpona, smo prišli na vrh Krna. Ker je bila polna luna in pot že dobro poznamo, čelk sploh nismo uporabljali. Moja hči je prvič šla v hribe ponoči, upam, da ji je bilo všeč. Sonce je vzšlo točno ob 5.38, zato smo na vzhod čakali skoraj celo uro. Zgodnja jutra so v hribih precej hladna in bili smo kar malo nestrpno čakali.
We started to walk at two o'clock in the morning. After more than 1200 metres of ascent and about a three hour walk, we reached the peak of mountain Krn. It was a full moon and the mountain path is familiar to us, so we didn't use headlamps. Mountaineering in the night was a new experience for my daughter, I hope, a pleasant one.  The sun rose exactly at 5.38, so we were almost an hour too early. Early mornings in the mountains are quite cold and we waited impatiently. 

Nekaj planincev in ovčke so bili prijetna družba. Sončni vzhod med hribi je vedno poseben trenutek.
A few hikers and sheep were a nice company. Sunrise somewhere in the mountains is always a special moment.
Zajtrk smo pojedli v koči. Jutranja kava tu, v višinah diši še lepše.
We had breakfast in the mountain hut. Fresh coffee smells better here, in the heights.
Med potjo nazaj sem poslikala nekaj rožič Prav zanimivo je bilo opazovati, kje smo hodili prej, v temi.
I took some pictures of mountains flowers on our way back. It was funny to observe where we were walking earlier in the dark.
Svoje vzpone na Krn sem že zdavnaj nehala šteti. Če pa me vprašate, če bi šla še enkrat, se ne bi prav dolgo obotavljala.
I stopped counting my ascents on Krn a long time ago. But if someone asks me to go once again, I wouldn't hesitate.


  1. Wow. I don't think I could hike in the dark but well worth it from your pics. What's on that disc? Also how do the hut people get there? Is there a road for them (and deliveries)? This post really made me smile! #SharonsSouvenirs

    1. The name of the mountain Krn is in the middle of the disc and the directions to surrounded mountains are printed on it. The people in the hut are usually on the mountain for summer season and they are preparing meals for hikers. Let's say a simple mountain restaurant. Food and other deliveries are taken there by helicopter.

  2. WOW absolutely stunning, so beautiful ...


  3. Spectacular photographs, as I've come to expect on your blog. So glad you got such a pretty sunrise after making all that effort - I know from experience that it doesn't always work out as planned. I hope your daughter will go on to make many ascents of the mountains.

  4. What a beautiful place to watch the sunrise.

  5. Fantastic vistas and good, solid photography. Kudos!

  6. Wow! These are stunning images - what a gorgeous series of shots!
    Thanks for sharing at!

  7. Wow! Impressive hiking in the dark to see the beautiful sunrise on the way back. Amazing photos of your descent, sheep, sunrise, wildflowers and breakfast.

  8. It's been a long time since I got up in the dark to do an activity!! I do hope your daughter enjoyed herself as much as I enjoyed your delightful photos!

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!


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