
Danes sva hodila ob Nadiži od Podbele do Robidišč, najzahodnejše vasi v Sloveniji. V stari, skoraj pozabljeni vasi lahko občudujemo staro arhitekturo in naravo. Poleti je tu več turistov, ki se kopajo v Nadiži, ukvarjajo s pohodništvom ali gorskim kolesarjenjem. To nedeljo sva bila praktično sama tam.
We walked along the river Nadiža to village Robidišče, which lies on the western edge of Slovenia. This is an old, almost forgotten village, where nature and old architecture can be admired. In summer many tourists come there to enjoy swimming in river Nadiža, hiking and mountain biking. This Sunday we were almost alone there.
Prihajajoča pomlad je travnike obarvala v vijolično in belo barvo.
Spring came to these places and coloured meadows into violet and white.
V zadnjem tednu sem končala dve kapi za našega mulca. Kljub temu, da celo zimo ni hodil v šolo, mu je uspelo izgubiti staro kapo, kar se mi zdi malo smešno, če upoštevam, da je bil stalno doma.
I finished two beanies for my youngest son last week. Even though he hasn’t been visiting the school during the winter because of covid, he had lost his old beany. It's a funny situation considering the fact that he was at home all the time.
Moja delovna soba je totalna zmešnjava. Malo rišem, sejem paradajz, pa pletem…Še najraje pa hodim, na ta način si napolnim baterije.
My working room is a total mess. I've started painting, seeding, knitting... Well, I like walking the most, because I refill my batteries with energy like that.


  1. Why was it abandoned I wonder?

    1. It's a remote place. After last earthquake in 1976 many people moved to cities.

  2. Beautiful sights where you live. I love the beanies you made for your kid. Great workroom.

  3. Beautiful spring blooms, It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to Gardening, nature and birds here at

  4. Abandoned places fascinate me, especially if they seem to have been hastily left. It triggers my imagination and I start to wonder who these people were who suddenly had to leave. Why and where did they go, are questions I usually think about. And what was life like at the site before it was abandoned? Exciting!

    1. That's what I'm thinking about, too. I'm sure that it wasn't easy to live in such a remote place.

    2. I do the same thing, wondering about people and places! I go so far as to think about people sitting in cars at stop lights and wonder where they are going and why. When my children were small, I would create wild and silly stories about people sitting in the car beside us. It kept them entertained. I wonder whatever happened to all those exciting people?


  5. Beautiful village, must be so peaceful. Love your paintings. Hugs Anesha

  6. A fascinating post!
    Thank you for sharing at I hope you are staying safe and well.

  7. Thanks for sharing your walk with us. This is such an beautiful and ancient-looking place.

    I'm happy to see you at 'My Corner of the World' this week! Thanks for linking up.

  8. Margi - lovely signs of spring. It always amuses me when things are "lost" in and around the house. Yesterday, my husband and I were looking for a glass plate for a cake, and after much looking, we realized it was right in the kitchen - we use it for fruit and bread! Lovely beanies!

  9. Beautiful photos, what a lovely spot.
    How do kids lose things at home? It shouldn't be possible right? You made 2 lovely new hats though so all is well.

  10. It's a mystery for adults, but very easy for kids.

  11. Beautiful, Thanks for joining in Garden Affair.

  12. Ein romantischer Platz.
    zauberhafte Fotos der schönen Blüten !


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