marec na vrtu / in the garden in March 2021

Na našem vrtu so začele cveteti narcise. Vesela sem, ko spet vidim cvetje po dolgi zimi. Spomladi je vse na vrtu tako novo, sveže. Občudujem novo življenje, rast in se veselim vsega, kar bo sledilo.
Daffodils in our garden started to bloom. I'm so pleased to see plants flowering after winter. I love this time of the year when everything in the garden is so fresh and new. It's all about new life, growth and there's so much to look forward to.
Na vrtu že cvetita forzicija in japonska kutina. Živo rumeni in rdeči cvetovi so dobrodošla popestritev po sivi zimi. Staro drevo blizu naše hiše je že zacvetelo.
Forsythia shrub and Japanese quince are blooming. The red and yellow flowers are a colourfull change after a dull and grey winter. An old tree near our home looks so white and attractive.
Spomladi je na vrtu veliko dela, tu preživim veliko časa. Starejši sin mi je pomagal pri prekopavanju. V rastlinjaku z delom sploh še nisem začela, saj je še poln zimske zelenjave. Visoke grede so končane, samo še malo je treba počakati, da se zemlja segreje in tam že lahko začnem s sajenjem. Začela sem s presajanjem paprik in paradižnikov. Do konca aprila bodo pripravljeni, da jih lahko posadim na vrt.
Spring is also a very busy time of the year and I spend many afternoons gardening. My son helped me dig the soil in the beds. The winter vegetables in the greenhouse aren’t harvested yet and I haven’t even started working there. Raised beds are finished and they are just waiting for the soil to warm up enough to plant. I’ve started to grow pepper and tomato plants indoors. They will be ready to plant them in the garden by the end of April.
Česen, ki sem ga posadila jeseni, lepo raste.
I’ve planted garlic last autumn and it is doing quite well.
Rožmarin ima majhne modre cvetove.
Here is rosemary with little blue flowers.
Začela sem z urejanjem semen, kar lahko vzame precej časa. Zdi se mi, da vrtnarjenje z leti postane stvar navade, saj vsako leto sadim iste rastline. Zato sem začela razmišljati o spremembam. Nekaj novega, drugačnega...
Organizing seeds can be time consuming. In my opinion gardening over the years becomes the matter of habits and I started to grow the same plants each year. So, I’m thinking about a change. Something new will be a nice choice.
Sončnemu vremenu konec februarja so sledili mrzli in suhi dnevi v marcu. V začetku meseca je zacvetela naša marelica, konec meseca pa je njeno cvetje žalostno, rjavo in uvelo.
The sunny weather in the end of February was followed with cold and dry days in March. Our apricot tree bloomed in the beginning of the month, now the blossom looks brown and sad.
Pred približno enim letom smo imeli prvi lockdown in tudi obeti za veliko noč niso najlepši. Res, da me vrtnarjenje precej zaposluje, vendar si močno želim ene dolge počitnice nekje daleč stran.
It has been about a year since the first lockdown and the prospects for Easter time aren't very good. Gardening keeps me busy, although it would be nice to go on a long holiday somewhere far away.


  1. Spring is such a wonderful season - so joyful and hopeful.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  2. Wow ! Beautiful spring blooms, Its always fun to go your own veggies from seeds. It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to Gardening, Nature and Birds here at

  3. what an amazing series of images!

  4. lovely photos full of Spring colour!

  5. We inherited apple trees in our last garden - I miss that blossoming and leafing out on bare trees.

  6. Lovely to see your Spring garden, The blossom is beautiful and it looks as if you are going to have a fantastic garlic harvest. You are lucky that you live in a beautiful area just like us, having seen so much of it over the last year it would nice to have a change of scene too! Sarah x

  7. Margi - beautiful spring photos!

  8. These pictures are beautiful.

  9. Yes this is my favorite time of year for the garden...lovely photos..Michelle

  10. You pictures are beautiful, especially the last one of the blooming tree with the hills in the background. It looks like your land is much the same as ours. I love the "hills of Tennessee." I love the hills...well, as long as I don't have to climb one.

  11. Prelepi so vrtovi v tem času in meni prav zaigra srce ob pogledu na razcvetele čebulnice, žal pa je danes pri nas vso to lepoto pokril sneg😢 napovedujejo pa še zmrzal.

  12. I love your garden and the flowers. My garden is doing well over here in the US too.

  13. Margi - the quince flowers are stunning!


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