vrt v novembru / our garden in November 2021

Medtem, ko sem včeraj zvečer pisala blog, je zunaj grmelo. Danes zjutraj je snežilo. Ta mesec smo imeli prvo slano, dež in sonce, najbolj pa je opaziti, da postaja vedno hladneje. Kljub koncu novembra na vrtu še vedno cveti nekaj vrtnic, nekatero pomladno cvetje pa je že začelo poganjati.
While I was writing this blog yesterday evening there was a thunderstorm outside. Today it was snowing. This month we had the first frost, rain and sunshine and above all it’s getting cold. Despite late November roses are still blooming and some spring flowers have started to grow already.

Tole zelje sem poslikala pred odhodom v službo. Jutranja slana ga je prav polepšala. Ta mesec sem posadila česen, kuhanja brez česna si ne predstavljam. Vedno ga posadim jeseni, čeprav bi ga lahko tudi zgodaj spomladi.
This photo was taken in the morning before I went to work. Morning frost looks very decorative on a cabbage. I’ve planted garlic, it’s indispensable in many dishes. We always do the work in autumn, although the garlic could be planted in spring, too.
Naša mala mandarina je lepa, tako na pogled. Eno sem poskusila in bila je prav ogabna. Morda pa plodovi sploh še niso zreli in bi morala še malo počakati?
The mandarins look wonderful, but that’s only the appearance. I tried to eat one and it was disgusting. Maybe they aren’t ripe at all and we should wait a little longer?
Zaradi obilice dežja pri našem vrtu rastejo gobe.
Wet November is the reason why these mushrooms are growing near our garden.

Prvi sneg se je obdržal samo za en dan.
The first snow lasted only one day.


  1. What beautiful orange flowers!

    Love the little snowman. ☃️

  2. These flowers are beautiful. Nice pictures. Wonderful Post! Have a great day!
    Rampdiary | Fineartandyou | Beautyandfashionfreaks 

  3. I enjoyed these photos! Beautiful shots!

  4. The little snowman is very cute and some of the flowers and plants look pretty with the snow on them. Take care! Stay warm!

  5. Lovely first snowman, that's a shame that the mandarins taste awful after having such a good crop! Sarah x

  6. The snowman looks very happy, everything going well in his life.

  7. Margi - we have had a very warm November/December. I am flying back from a trip to Ohio to visit my brother in the hospital - hence my delay in commenting - and my husband sent me a picture of snow near our house this morning - finally! Your photos of the plants with the frost are very stunning! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!


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