vrt v aprilu / our garden in April 2021

Vreme v aprilu je bilo nenavadno mrzlo in vetrovno, prava podaljšana zima. Sedaj cvetijo tulipani, ti so odporni in vzdržljivi, nekaterim rastlinam ne gre tako dobro.
We had un unusually cold and windy weather in April, it seems like a prolonged winter. Tulips are blooming now, they are tough and resilient, many other plants aren’t doing so well.

Dnevi z jutranjo temperature pod 0°C niso bili prijazni do rastlin. Pridelovalci sadja bodo letos imeli veliko škodo. Na prvi dan zmrzali sem poslikala magnolijo in nato spet pred nekaj dnevi.
A few days with the morning temperatures below the zero were not a pleasant occurrence. Especially fruit growers will have to cope with reduced crop this year. I took the picture of magnolia on the first cold day and then again a few days ago.
Spominčice vedno najdejo prostor na mojem vrtu.
Forget-me-nots always find a place in my flower bed.
Rukola in pomladna solata rasteta v rastlinjaku. Vrtna koprena ščiti majhne rastline v visokih gredah. Paradižnike sem konec aprila navadno že posadila na vrt. Letos še vedno v lončkih čakajo, da se vreme malo otopli.
Rocket salad and spring lettuce in the greenhouse are doing well. Row covers protect small plants in the raised beds. I’ve always planted tomato plants into the garden by this time. This year they are still in the pots waiting for the weather to warm up.
Gozdne jagode rastejo vsepočez po mojem zeliščnem vrtu. Ker so sladke in lepo dišijo, jih ne bom odstranila. Lovor, plazeči timijan in aronija so zacveteli.
Wild strawberries are growing all over my herbs garden. They are sweet and smell good, so I’m not going to weed them. Bay laurel, creeping thyme and aronia are blooming.

Tudi bazilika na okenski polici v sobi moje hčerke čaka, da jo posadimo na vrt.
The basil plants on my daughter’s window sill are stil waiting to be planted in the garden.
Zmrzal, ki je sledila toplemu vremenu konec marca, je bila uničujoča za sadno drevje. Češnje in marelice so bile najbolj prizadete, tudi drugo cvetoče drevje bo čutilo posledice. Nekaj upanja ostaja za jablane, ki so komaj zacvetele.
The frost followed a period of mild weather in March was devastating for fruit trees. Cherry and apricot trees were the worst hit, but others were affected as well. There is still some hope for apple trees which are blooming now.
Zjutraj, pred službo, rada pijem kavo in gledam skozi okno. Na našem vrtu je vedno polno sramežljivih obiskovalcev. Kako so ljubki!
In the mornings, before leaving to work, I enjoy my coffee while looking through the window. Many shy visitors like our front garden. They are so lovely.


  1. lovely to see all the tulips in your garden too. We have had some harsh frosts too some magnolia trees locally turned completely brown I have never seen them damaged so much before. We are apple blossom is just about to flower, you must have such a wonderful scent from your fruit trees. Sarah x

  2. Ouch poor magnolia, but what a treat to be gifted with wild strawberries.

  3. Your spring blooms are lovely. How nice to have garden visitors.

  4. Dear Margi, your garden is filled with energy and the will for growing. Beautiful. The apple trees are blooming here to and ... the bad thing ... the same happend to my magnolia. Isn't it too sad?
    But we hope for another year.
    Thank you for coming back to my blog and leaving so nice words.
    Have a wonderful time, happy spring in your garden paradise

  5. The gardens are looking great despite the frosts. The last two of those garden visitors are not very helpful gardeners!

  6. I planted some of my tomatoes and peppers today after I checked the weather forecast for the next few weeks. Tonight when I came in, I checked it again and now it has changed. Next week it will be dropping down for a few cool nights. It will require me watching the weather very closely. I suppose this is going to be the new normal for a few more years.
    You are wise keeping things inside the greenhouse a few days longer.

  7. Beautiful photos. Love your vegetable patch. Anesha x

  8. Despite the frost you still have a lot of colour in the garden. Sadly many flowers will not do well after so many frosty mornings.

  9. Krasne fotografije in toliko barv.

  10. Margi - I am sorry to hear that the weather conditions will affect fruit crops - I can certainly see the impact on your magnolia! The rest of your garden looks gorgeous and thriving. I liked all your animal friends, but the snail picture is by far my favorite!


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