Velika planina

Ta vikend so končno prišle dobre novice. Naenkrat lahko prečkamo regije in študenti se bodo lahko vrnili v Ljubljano. Po dolgih sedmih mesecih se mi zdi, da se življenje vrača v normalnost. Čeprav moramo še vedno nositi maske, so novice dobrodošle. Moja hči pravi, da se počuti, kot brucka, čisto vznemirjena, kot da gre v Ljubljano prvič. Zadnje čase smo brali novice o problemih študentov glede zdravja, pomanjkanja motivacije in celo depresije. Čeprav sem srednjih let si težko predstavljam, da bi ves ta čas delala samo od doma. Še manj si lahko zamislim, kako je to uspelo študentom starim okoli dvajset let. Vsekakor, veseli smo, da je mimo.

Zadnjih nekaj mesecev sva ob vikendih hodila na bližnje hribe. Sedaj pa je priložnost, da jo mahneva kam dlje. Vem, da je otročje, ampak nisva se mogla odločiti, ali bi šla v hribe ali na morje. Vse se tako dobro sliši, imela pa sva samo en dan. Zmagala je Velika planina. Tam se je pomlad komaj pričela. Prav prevzeta sva od polj polnih pomladnih žefranov in ostankov snega, bela in vijolična. Res se splača priti v tem času. Cel dan sva porabila na Veliki in Mali planini, prehodila vso okolico in naredila ogromno fotk. Bilo je tako lepo.

Last weekend we received some good news. Suddenly we are allowed to cross the regions and students are going back to universities. After long seven months it seems that life is returning to normal. Although, we must still wear face masks, the change is significant. My daughter said that she was full of expectations just like the first time she went to a student's home. Lately, we have read news about student’s health problems, lack of interest and sometimes even depression. For me, it would be very hard to work online for such a long period and I’m middle aged, so I couldn’t imagine how they managed at the age of twenty. Anyway, we are glad it’s over.

During the past months we have climbed many local hills, now we have an opportunity to visit some distant places. I know I was childish, but we couldn’t decide whether we want to go to the sea or to the mountains. All the possibilities seemed fine, but we had one day available. Finally, we went to Velika planina. In the mountains it’s only the beginning of the spring, there are many crocus fields and some snow. White and purple is a unique combination. It’s truly worth visiting the place in early spring. We spent the whole day walking on Velika and Mala planina and I took lots of pictures. It was so beautiful!


  1. Saw you on our world - beautiful to see the crocusses
    and melting snow on the hills:) Jesh

  2. Those are such beautiful purple fields of flowers.

  3. I count myself bless to see a few. Amazing to see so many. Have a great week. Sylvia D.

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. That's a wonderful display of crocuses, something we only usually see in gardens here. Although I've travelled quite widely in Europe (a long while ago now!) I've never been to your area and I look forward to seeing more of it through your photos in the future.

  5. Dear Margi,
    just found you on Elkes pages. Oh, thank you for these wonderful pictures. I'm really longing for the Slowenien and Italian Mountains. Sure I've "my own" here in Carinthia but as you know the grass is always greener on the other side.
    All my best and stay safe

  6. Margi - so glad things are getting better for you. We received our second shots today and we are so happy!
    The pictures of the crocus are amazing - like a blanket but one you do not want to walk on!


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