
Naša Soča je je navadno svetlo zelena, v januarskem mrazu pa je bila videti modra, drevesa in grmi zraven nje pa čisto zamrznjeni in poledeneli. Kljub mrazu, je bilo zelo lepo. Čeprav me je prizor takoj pritegnil in sem že takrat začela z delom, slike kar tri mesece nisem dokončala. Nikoli ni bil pravi trenutek, pa vedno sem tako zaposlena… Danes pri nas spet sneži in piha močan veter in jaz sem končala dokončati mojo sliko.
River Soča is usually light green, except in January it was blue and all bushes and trees near it were icy and frozen. It was cold and also beautiful. Although the beauty of the nature inspired me instantly, the painting hasn't been finished for three months. It was never the right moment and I'm always busy. Today, after a month of spring it is snowing here and it's very windy and I managed to finish the winter scene.


  1. This is such a gorgeous piece. That blue is amazing. and such a beautiful scene too. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Art Journal JOurney. It was a pleasure to see. Hugs-Erika

  2. Wonderful piece with the weather!!!Hug Elke

  3. Sometimes it pays to wait to finish a painting. It is obvious, you were in the right mood, you were inspired, and you created a seriously beautiful entry that we are simply delighted you shared with us at Art Journal Journey.

  4. Wow -sooooo pretty! Lovely work and you are very talented!!!

  5. I'm pleased that the snowy weather inspired you to continue with your painting! Thank you for linking to Art Journal Journey! Chrisx


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