izvir Nadiže / the source of the river Nadiža

Sončna nedelja nas je spet zvabila med hribe. Čeprav že nekaj mesecev lahko hodimo le po naši regiji, se še vedno najde kakšen neodkrit kotiček. Tokratnega potepanja sem se res veselila, saj smo šli skupaj s prijatelji iz Anglije. Naš cilj je bil poiskati izvir Nadiže, ta izvira pod Breškim Jalovcem z dvema izviroma, kot Beli in kot Črni potok. Ko se združita, nastane Nadiža. Ker je Nadiža hudourniškega značaja, zaradi precej sušnega vremena, vode ni bilo ravno veliko. Pot smo začeli na asfaltirani cesti, ki vodi od Breginja do mejnega prehoda, pri znaku za izvir Nadiže. Najprej smo hodili po gozdni poti, mimo slapu Mnanu paradiž do izvira Črnega potoka, nato smo po stezi nadaljevali do izvira Belega potoka, ki je že v Italiji. Pravzaprav je več izvirov. Potep se nadaljuje ob Nadiži, ki teče po meji z Italijo do mostu na Nadiži in nazaj do izhodišča. Prehodili smo okroglih 20 km. Ker smo začeli šele po kosilu, se je ob povratku že mračilo. Pot ni dobro označena, je pa zanimiva, sploh, če radi raziskujete. Med potepom sva imela čas za klepetanje s prijatelji, ki se učijo slovensko. Prav presenečena sem bila nad njihovim znanjem, saj naša slovnica ni ravno enostavna. Ja, tudi angleščina ni ravno enostavna, za eno stvar je vedno več besed in jaz vedno tuhtam katero izbrati.
Sunny Sunday was a great opportunity for hiking. Although we have been restricted to local areas for several months, there are still some unknown places here in the vicinity. I looked forward to this trip as we were going together with our friends from England. We were headed to the source of river Nadiža, which is located near the mountain Breški Jalovec. Nadiža comes to the surface in two places as a White stream and as a Black stream. The confluence of these two streams is the beginning of Nadiža. Because of the torrent character of the river and dry weather in the past months, there was only a little water in the streams. We started hiking on the asphalt road, which leads from Breginj to Italy. It was a sign for river source there. The way leaded us through the forest pass waterfall Mnanu paradiž to source of the Black stream. The following narrow path took us to the source of the White stream in Italy. Actually, there were many sources. The last part of the hike was near Italian border, over the bridge and back to the parking point. The total distance is about 20 kilometres. We started to walk just after lunch, and it was getting dark as we returned to the starting point. The route is badly marked, but it is interesting, especially if you like discovering new places. During the walk we were talking with our friends, who are learning Slovene. Considering the fact that Slovene grammar is not easy, I'm surprised that they already have learned a lot. Of course, English is not easy as well. It has many words with the same meaning and I'm not sure which one to choose. Well, we are trying.


  1. what a beautiful place to walk! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  2. You have such wonderful places to hike!

  3. Fascinating photos! Thanks so much for joining us this week at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/04/after-rain.html

  4. It's been lovely to take a wander with you here!
    Wren x


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