pomlad je tu / spring is coming

Zunaj dežuje, meni pa zmanjkuje energije, a kljub temu skoraj vsaj dan hodim. Med vikendom sem hodila ob Nadiži. Prvo pomladno cvetje me je zelo razveselilo. Zvončki so vedno tako lepi, tako nežni. Našla sem tudi nekaj zelenih telohov in prvi veliki zvonček. Mi jim pravimo kronce. A niso lepe?It’s raining and my energy is low, but I’m still trying to walk as much as possible. Last weekend I was walking along Nadiža. The first spring flowers cheered me up. Snowdrops always look so nice, so gentle. Some green hellebores were found in the forest and I also found a little spring snowflake. Isn’t it lovely?

Ob večerih sem pletla rokavice. Take posebne, desno roko sem prilagodila slikanju z mobijem. Zunaj je še vedno mraz, meni pa gre počasi na živce, da si moram za vsako fotko sneti in potem spet nadeti rokavice. Te nove so mogoče malo smešne, so pa tudi tople in zelo praktične.
In the evenings I've been making myself new mittens. They are special, the right hand is modified for phone photography. It's still cold outside and I hate to take my mittens on and off for each photography. Maybe they look funny, but they keep my fingers warm and they are very handy.


  1. What wonderful places to walk. Enjoy. Anesha

  2. Just look at those snowdrops. Thank you for posting. The modified mittens are a great idea.

  3. Wonderful ... I love the snowdrops and the water, so beautiful.

    And your mittens are lovely, fantastic work.

    Greetings from Germany

  4. It's great to see you spring buds showing up! I am very impressed with your custom-made gloves, they are lovely and creative!

    I'm so glad to see you at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

  5. How nice to see some signs of spring. Your gloves are perfect for taking photographs. Thanks for joining in Ginx Woolly Linx Party.


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