po Sloveniji, jama Pekel / around Slovenia, cave Pekel

Slovenija je znana po številnih jamah, ne le Postonjski, tu so recimo še Škocjanske, Kostanjeviška jama, jama Vilenica... Mi smo obiskali jamo Pekel pri Celju. 
Slovenia is famous for caves, not just Postojna cave. Here are many other caves like Škocjan caves, Kostanjevica cave, Vilenica cave and others. We visited Hell cave near Celje.

O imenu jame Pekel obstaja zgodba. Z malo domišljije lahko vidimo podobo hudiča nad vhodom v jamo. Ker je temperatura pozimi v jami višja kot v okolici, se iz jame kadi para. Zaradi tega so ljudje v preteklosti verjeli, da tam prebiva hudič.

It is a story about its name. With a little bit of imagination an image of a devil can be seen above the cave entrance. In winter the temperature in the cave is higher than the temperature outside, so vapours can be seen coming out the cave. That made people believe the devil lived in the cave. 

V jami lahko vidimo kapnike v obliki žabe, hobotnice in tudi majhen slap.
Flowstones in shape of a frog or an octopus and a little waterfall can be seen there. 
Nekateri kapniki so rjavi, kot bi bili politi s čokolado, nekateri pa so malo zeleni zaradi lišajev, ki rastejo v jami.
Some flowstones are brown, just like they were covered with chocolate; some of them are also green because of the lichens that grow in the cave.
Na poti v Prekmurje smo opazovali nasade hmelja. Nameravali smo ostati v Moravskih toplicah in dan ali dva kolesariti po okolici. Zaradi neprijaznega uslužbenca v kampu smo šli raje v Ptuj. Skoraj nikoli se ne pritožujem, izkušnja v kampu pa res ni bila najboljša. Upam le, da je to osamljen primer, sicer je potrebno veliko narediti glede prijaznosti in gostoljubnosti.
We drove to Prekmurje and observed hops fields by the road. We planned to stay at Moravske toplice and to cycle the area for a day or two. Because of the unfriendly employee at the camping site we changed our intentions and moved to Ptuj. I usually don’t complain about almost anything, but the experience wasn’t pleasant. I can only hope that this was the only case, otherwise a lot of improvements can be done about hospitality. 


  1. Fascinating! I can imagine an old woman draped in a shawl with wings hanging down in the flowstones.

  2. Amazing cave pictures! The hops picture is also very intriguing. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  3. Zelo lepe jame,jih ne poznam!LP

  4. Hello,
    Awesome photos of the cave. My hubby loves going inside the caves here. Beautiful scenery and photos. Have a happy day and a great week!

  5. It's good that you could move to another place. It's not good to have to deal with unpleasant people at a time like this...or any time. Love seeing the odd shapes in the cave! WOW!

  6. Fasinating! Happy Monday. I am at #11 on the linky today



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