po Sloveniji, Bled in Jezersko / around Slovenia, Bled lake and Jezersko


Zaradi covida 19 in vseh omejitev, ki poskušajo zmanjšati prenos virusa, smo se odločili, da bomo letošnji dopust porabili v naši deželi, v Sloveniji. Razmišljali smo o športnih počitnicah, z veliko bicikliranja in planinarjenja. Ker radi kampiramo, se bomo tudi po Sloveniji selili iz kampa v kamp, kot smo to počeli v preteklih letih. Ker smo doma na zahodnem delu Slovenije, bomo obiskali vzhodni del. Kljub temu, da je Slovenija majhna, je gotovo še veliko neodkritih, zelenih kotičkov. Po moje, Slovenija ni samo Bled, Piran in Postonjska jama, ampak še veliko drugih krajev z prečudovito naravo.

Čeprav sem se poskušala prepričati, da bodo tudi letošnje počitnice enkratne, sem začutila solze v očeh, ko je mož zagnal avto. V bistvu to niso počitnice, saj smo doma. Sovražim covid 19. Pred epidemijo sem razmišljala o počitnicah nekje na severu Europe, sanjala o odkrivanju novih krajev, spoznavanju ljudi.. Saj ni res.

Kot sem omenila, smo se odločili obiskati manj znane kraje v Sloveniji in preživeti športne in zdrave počitnice. Svoje obljube smo prelomili že čisto na začetku. Ker sem bila slabe volje, smo se ustavili na Bledu, mogoče najbolj znanem kraju v Sloveniji. Šli smo na sprehod okoli jezera in si privoščili krem šnite. 

Na Bledu sem bila pred približno petindvajsetimi leti in sem skoraj že pozabila, kako je tam. Zaradi covida letos ni bilo preveč gužve.

Because of the covid 19 and all restrictions referring the virus transmission, we decided to spend our annual holidays at home country, in Slovenia. We were thinking of sports holidays with a lot of cycling and mountaineering. We like camping, so we were going to camp and move around Slovenia as we used to do in the last few years. Because we live in western part of Slovenia, we decided to go to the eastern part of the country. It’s true that Slovenia is small, but a lot of secret places are still uncovered. I mean, Slovenia is not just Bled, Piran and Postojna cave. Here are a lot of green places, which are very beautiful.

I tried to convince myself that it would be a great holiday, but when my husband started the car, tears came into my eyes. This is not a vacation. In fact we are staying at home. I hate covid 19. I was planning holidays somewhere in the north Europe, discovering new places, meeting new people… It couldn’t be true.

As I’ve mentioned, we decided to visit unknown places in Slovenia and to have sport and healthy holidays, but we broke our promises in the first few hours. I was in a bad mood, so we stopped in Bled, maybe the most known town in Slovenia. We went on a walk around the lake and spoiled us with cream slices.

I was at Bled about twenty five years ago and I’ve already forgot how it looks like. This year it wasn’t crowded thanks to covid. 


Namenjeni smo bili na Jezerko, miren in zelen kraj na severu Slovenije, kjer smo biciklirali po dolini, obiskali Planšarsko jezero, poskusili njihovo mineralno vodo, ki je zelo okusna in šli do Ankovih slapov.

We were headed to Jezersko, peaceful and green place in the north of Slovenia. We cycled around the valley, visited  the Planšarsko jezero (lake), tasted their own mineral water, which is very good and walked to Anko waterfalls.

Občudovali smo lesene hiše z rožami na oknih in urejene vrtove z lesenimi ograjami.

We also admired wooden houses with window flowers and tidy gardens with wooden fences.

Naslednji dan smo šli do Češke koče. Ljudje na Jezerskem so prijazni temperature ravno pravšnje, narava pa zelena in vredna občudovanja.
The following day we went to Češka koča (hut). People at Jezersko were nice, the temperatures weren’t too high and the nature was green and adorable. 


  1. Margi - I understand your feelings. Even though we may live in a beautiful place (your pictures of Slovenia are stunning), there is part of all of us that longs to visit new places and meet new people. Or to visit places that we have been to many times and still enjoy. We were very sad not to be able to take a family vacation to the Cayman Islands this spring, and it looks like we will not be able to travel to the UK this fall to visit my in-laws. I am trying to have faith that this opportunity will return to us in the future! Thanks for sharing your wonderful pictures with everyone at Mosaic Monday!

  2. Hello,

    I miss traveling too, I hope things can get back to normal soon. But for now your country is a beautiful place to visit. Lovely views and scenery. I love the lake, mountains, flowers and waterfall, all gorgeous! Take care and stay safe! Enjoy your day, have a happy new week!

  3. We are all dreaming and wishing we could go where you are! We are only able to take short day trips here. It's been a hard summer for us all! But you have shown us some beautiful things! Great photography!

  4. Such gorgeous photos! Lovely!
    Thank you very much for joining us at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2020/08/pretty-posies.html

  5. Happy Monday. I am at #20 on the linky today


  6. Margi, It looks wonderful! Thanks for sharing and have a great week! Sylvia D.

  7. It's a good year to have a stay-cation near home. Sometimes we forget what wonderful places are nearby. - Margy

  8. I hate Covid-19 too. I feel that it has robbed precious time off my life. Hubby and I were just about to embark on our traveling dreams that we had placed on the back burner for so many, many years and this stupid pandemic happens.

    Love your gorgeous photos!

  9. What a beautiful place. I have been nowhere this year, so your vacation looked wonderful.

  10. Beautiful pictures of the gorgeous place where you live.

  11. What amazing beauty you have shared..Michelle


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