vrt v avgustu /our garden in August 2020

Vreme v avgustu je bilo lepo, celo prevroče za vrtnarjenje. Čas na vrtu je bil namenjen občudovanju cvetlic in nabiranju plodov. Naš vrt je videti rumen.

The weather was beautiful this month, but too hot to do very much gardening. So, we had time to admire the flowers and enjoy the harvest. Our garden looks yellow.

Dnevi se krajšajo in sonce izgublja svojo moč. Nekatere rože cvetijo, druge začenjajo veneti, a so vseeno lepe.

The days have already shortened, and the sun loses its power. Some flowers are blooming, the others are about to wane.

Naredila sem šopek iz suhih rož, tak za zimske dni.

I made a bouquet of dried flowers. It would be wonderful in the winter days.

Tudi letos je bila narava zelo radodarna. V našem vrtu je polno paradižnika, paprik, bučk, .. dovolj za vsak dan, nekaj zelenjave pa lahko tudi shranimo za zimo. 

The nature was very generous to us. Our garden is full of peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, … enough to consume the vegetables every day and to preserve some for the winter.

Pred nekaj dnevi sem posadila zimski radič in por, saj pozimi ni boljšega od sveže zelenjave.

A few days ago I planted winter radicchio and leeks plants because nothing is more tasteful than fresh vegetables in the middle of the winter.

Naši je letos veliko obrodil. Moj dragi pa  pridno nabira lešnike za zimo.

Nashi tree is wonderful this year. My husband picks hazelnuts for winter.

Te rože pa rastejo na vrtu mojega očeta. These flowers are from my father's garden.

Objavo linkam na Sarin blog Down by the sea in se veselim branja, kaj se dogaja na vaših vrtovih.

I’m linking this post to Sarah’s  Through the garden gate and looking forward to see what’s happening in your gardens.


  1. Beautiful shots.Fresh organic harvest is so tasty.It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to Gardening here at http://jaipurgardening.blogspot.com/2020/08/garden-affair-love-for-caladiums.html

  2. Oh what a fabulous garden. From flowers to food a pure bounty. Thank you for sharing your lovely photos.

  3. Amazing summer impressions - every photo full of the summer's delight ❤︎

  4. Wonderful to share the same flowers! I love your dried bouquet and your apple and hazelnut crop. Have a good month in the garden. Sarah x

  5. so many bright cheerful flowers and yummy produce too

  6. Your garden is spectacular. I especially like the photo of the produce in the basket. Usually, I do not have enough hours in the day to work in the garden, but as the summer draws to a close, there is less to do. But that is OK - I like to sit and enjoy it! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  7. Hello,

    Your flowers are beautiful, lovely images. The veggies look delicious, great choices. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a great new week!

  8. Here in Trinidad and Tobago we only experience 2 seasons, a wet season and a dry season

    My linky is back. Feel free to link up if you visit

    Have a safe and happy Monday

  9. Beautiful collection of flowers and the basket of veggies has made me hungry! Have a nice week :)

  10. The fresh fruit and nuts sure look good. And I love the bright cheery flowers at the end of summer!

  11. Wonderful blooms and fruits and veggies from your garden this month.

  12. Betautiful Blooms and fruit! Wonderful phozos from garden and delicious preserves in a glass and a beautiful bouquet of flowers!
    Greetings Elke

  13. Your garden still has lots of colour. The fruit and veggies look great.

  14. I love nashi pears - they have a very brief season in our supermarket. Not even every year.

  15. Beautiful blossoms - gorgeous!
    Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2020/08/oriental-lily.html

  16. Your hazelnuts look very different from those on my property. Of course, finding some that haven't been eaten by squirrels and deer are almost impossible.
    I love your vegetable garden.

  17. Your garden is beautiful! Love the photos!

  18. Beautiful August flowers! Lovely crop as well :)

  19. Fabulous garden! Love the photos.

  20. Your garden is just lovely, even after the blooms have faded! I love Nashi's!

    I'm so excited to see you at 'My Corner of the World' this week!! Thanks for linking. A back link would be appreciated.

  21. Oh my, you had a great harvest! I've been enjoying vegetables - tomatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, cucumber, jalapeno and bell peppers from various neighbors. In return, I shared the finished goods - zucchini bread, pickled jalapeno and cucumber - with them. Is Nashi pear similar to Asian pear?

  22. Thanks for linking up with Garden Affair .Please do continue to link up with Garden Affair .

  23. How nice to have your own canned goods for the winter...My garden is yellow, purple and white during the fall


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