po Sloveniji /Around Slovenia: Gorenjska region

Prejšnji teden sva se potepala sama, brez tamalega. To se nama ne zgodi pogosto, pravzaprav sva nazadnje sama preživela vikend pred štirimi leti. Med vožnjo sem se spraševala, kaj bova delala. No, on je vozil, kuhal… jaz pa preveč govorila.
Last weekend we were traveling alone, without our little boy. That is not common, in fact we were alone for the weekend four years ago. During the car drive I was wondering about our weekend plans. Well, my husband drove, cooked… and I was talking too much.

Če se iz naše doline peljemo na Gorenjsko, je postanek v Zelencih skoraj obvezen. Tam sva bila že zjutraj in v miru uživala lepoto kraja.
If you are headed to Gorenjska region from our home valley, you must stop at Zelenci. We were there early in the morning and enjoyed the beauty of the place.

Najprej sva se povzpela na Ciprnik, ki ima čudovit razgled na dolino Planice in sosednje gore. Tisti z dobrim vidom lahko opazijo Zelence in tudi Triglav v nasprotni smeri. Planiška velikanka je resnično velika, tudi, ko jo gledaš “od zgoraj”.
First, we reached the top of mountain Ciprnik with a wonderful view on Planica valley and surrounding mountain. Those with a good eyesight can see Zelenci and also Triglav in the opposite direction. Ski flying hill in Planica is big, even when it's observed from the hill above it.
Ustavila sva se pri jezeru Jasna, kjer je sicer veliko kopalcev. Pomočila sem noge v ledeno vodo, kar je bilo po celodnevni hoji prav prijetno. Plavanje pa je za pogumne, mednje jaz ne spadam.
We stopped at lake Jasna, where were a lot of swimmers. I dipped my legs into the freezing cold water, which was actually nice after walking whole day. Swimming is only for courageous people and I'm not one of them.
Kozolci so del zgodovine, zato sem bila presenečena, ko sem zagledala enega, postavljenega čisto na novo.
Hayracks are part of our history, for this reason I was quite surprised, that also new one is built nowadays.
Šla sva tudi do slapa Peričnik in po dolini Vrata. Slap je lep zaradi vode, ki teče čez skalne previse. Lahko se gre tudi za slap. To, da se zraven zmočiš, je čisto super. Pravzaprav sta dva slapa, spodnji višji in zgornji manjši. Oba se splača pogledati.
We also visited Peričnik waterfall and valley Vrata. The waterfall is amazing because of the water falling over rocks. It's possible to go behind the waterfall. Getting wet was a part of the experience. Acually, there are two waterfalls, lower and upper, and both are worth seeing.
Obisk doline Tamar je zelo popularen, po cesti je bilo namreč veliko turistov. Midva sva šla do izvira Nadiže v skalni steni. Nadiža izvira v dolini Tamar, ponikne in pride zopet na površje kot Sava Dolinka v Zelencih.
Visiting valley Tamar is very popular, the road was crowded with tourists. We prolonged out trip to the Nadiža spring in the rocky wall and found out that Nadiža comes out in Tamar valley, then disappeares and comes to the surface at Zelenci as Sava Dolinka.


  1. To območje sveta je tako lepo!

  2. Zelo lepe slike,ko sem bila mala smo hodili v Gorenjsko.Hvala in LP.OLga

  3. Oh my, what breathtaking photos. They make me homesick for my Rocky Mountains! Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful week!

  4. Gorgeous photos. Happy Monday


  5. You have absolutely stunning photos - do you have IG? If so, I'm trying to find you there. What a beautiful part of our planet! I'm booking a holiday to Slovenia (when I can!!)
    Wren x

    1. I have IG. The connection is here, on this page, but I'm not so active there. I like blogging, because I can add a story.

  6. Hello,
    What a wonderful trip! The scenery is beautiful. I love the waterfalls, beautiful images. Take care, enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy new week!

  7. I enjoyed reading. Thank you for sharing.
    Stay healthy and well.

    Happy MosaicMonday

  8. The waterfalls are really amazing! How nice to make a good trip with your husband and enjoy some time together. Beautiful places! WOW!

  9. You live in spectacular country. This is exactly the environment that my husband and I enjoy. I think it is important to have time away from children for the benefit of the parents' relationship, so I am pleased for you that you had this time together. Thanks for linking up to Mosaic Monday.

  10. Beautiful photos! Lovely.
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2020/08/the-end-of-line.html

  11. Hi Margi :)) Oh wow, such a beautiful spot! The colour of that water is spectacular. I love mountains! And the waterfall is gorgeous! :)

  12. So very beautiful! I quite fancy I dipping my legs into the freezing cold water at the moment!

  13. Love the waterfall pictures.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  14. Amazing scenery and such rich colors in your photos.

  15. BEAUTIFUL views! Behind a waterfall is not something you see every day. Any chance that you can make your photos bigger? They're gorgeous! :)

  16. So beautiful! Your photos make me want to get back out into nature again in nearby Mount Rainier National Park (Washington State, U.S.A.)

  17. Such a beautiful place! Thanks for all the photos.

  18. Wowza! The waterfalls are BEAUTIFUL!

  19. What fabulous photos! So much to see, especially the waterfalls.

    Your link is a wonderful addition to 'My Corner of the World'!! Thanks for being here this week.


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