autumn days

Maybe I can't escape to a place like this right now, but I can draw what it would look like. Lately I have been spending a lot of time drawing and that's why I love long autumn evenings.
Meanwhile our cat was playing hide and seek.
It's windy, sunny and quite cold. Beautiful autumn days!


  1. Ich mag Deine Bilder so gerne, Du bist sehr talentiert. Und so süß Eure Katze, herrlich wie sie sich im Holz versteckt.

    Liebe Grüße
    von Anke

  2. Your cabin looks very inviting! How nice it would be to be painting inside the cabin on an autumn evening, sitting by the window with the wonderful views outside!

  3. Love the piece you did. The cat is adorable cuddled among the wood like that! That’s a lot of mushrooms.

  4. Just the cutest cat. A delightful array of mushrooms and a very inviting cabin, surrounded by such pretty autumn beauty.

  5. Beautiful drawing! I love the colors of the sky and the birds. Thank you for sharing!

  6. ein wunderschönes Herbstbild hast du gemalt
    und dein Kätzchen ist sehr putzig ;)
    schöne Herbstbilder
    hier ist es neblig und nass
    liebe Grüße

  7. Margi - your drawing is beautiful, especially the fox! It is snowing here and I am so happy. I am ready to go skiing!


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