visiting Pyrenees in a van

I think what I really love about the Pyrenees is parking and staying overnight at amazing places, close to nature. We always leave the place clean and don't bother the other residents or visitors. We have no problem with camping in Andorra, France or Spain.
Ena od stvari, ki so mi bile v Pirenejih res všeč, je ta, da sva lahko parkirala in prenočila na čudovitih krajih. Vedno za sabo vse počistiva in ne motiva prebivalcev ali ostalih turistov. Glede kampiranja v naravi nisva imela nobenih problemov v Andori, niti v Franciji ali Španiji.
I intended to write a few words on how to convert a van to camper and all the equipment, but that's my husband’s domain, I'm not good at solving technical problems. So, maybe next time. At the moment let's focus on flowers and coffee for breakfast near the river and warm evenings..
Nameravam napisati par besed, kako sva preuredila kombi v mini kamper in o opremi,,, ampak na to področje se bolj spozna moj mož. Meni ti tehnični problemi res ne gredo najbolje od rok. Mogoče naslednjič. Zaenkrat pa raje malo o zajtrku in jutranji kavi ob reki, pa o toplih večerih..
In the evening when we were watching sheep, I got a message from my kids: hey, what are you doing?
My answer was: Watching TV.
Zvečer, ko sva ravno opazovala ovce na nasprotnem hribu, sem dobila mesič od mojih otrok: ojla, kaj pa delata? Pa sva odgovorila: gledava TV.



  1. An absolutely perfect way to enjoy the Pyrenees! I love all these images of where you are camped. Your TV screen had the most amazing screen saver! I had a chuckle at your comment to your family. Falling asleep to the tinkle of the sheep bells and the gurgling creek would have been wonderful.

  2. It looks so peaceful there. Perfection. The sheep are an amazing photo!


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