Hiking in the Pyrenees

Hiking in the Pyrenees was my wish for some years, and it finally came true and I must admit I was astonished and excited, it was much more than I expected. If you love mountain flowers, Pyrenees are the best choice.
Že nekaj let sva razmišljala o Pirenejih in letos se je končno izšlo. Po pravici povedano, bila sva prijetno presenečena, saj so Pireneji presegli vsa najina pričakovanja. Vsekakor, če imate radi planinske rožce, so najboljša izbira.
We visited the Pyrenees in July. It was quite hot; the temperature rose up to 35°C. Just to mention, hiking in these conditions required sunglasses, suncream, hats, litres of water…
Pireneje sva obiskala v juliju. Bilo je precej toplo, temperature je narasla do 35°C. Samo, da ne pozabim, obvezno je imeti s seboj sončna očala, kremo za sončenje, pa kakšno pokrivalo, ogromno vode,…
In almost three weeks we drove about 4.600 km, and we walked over 260 km, and we never got tired of the landscape. I don’t know the commutative elevation gain we made, all hikes are considered as moderate and last about three to ten hours.
V skoraj treh tednih sva prevozila okoli 4.600 km in prehodila več kot 260 km, pokrajine pa se nisva naveličala niti za trenutek. Koliko višincev sva prehodila, žal ve vem, vsi pohodi so označeni kot srednje zahtevni in trajajo nekje od treh do deset ur.
Driving over Italy and France took us two days. In France we turned off the busy highway to country lines and before visiting mountains drove to the Mediterranean coast, to be more precise to the town of Collioure. It is a lovely old artistic town with historical sites such as church, chapel, port and forts, and a mill located near the town. So, we walked through the streets, hiked to the mill and one of the forts and swam in the sea.
Za prečkanje Italije in Francije sva potrebovala dva dni. V Franciji sva zavila iz preobremenjene avtoceste na lokalno in pred obiskom hribov obiskala še na sredozemsko obalo, natančneje kraj Collioure, ki je staro umetniško mestece z zgodovinskimi spomeniki kot je cerkev, pristanišče, trdnjave, mlin… Najprej sva se sprehodila po mestnih ulicah, nato pa odšla do mlina in ene izmed trdnjav ter seveda zaplavala v morju.
We continued along the Pyrenees with stops in Andorra, France and Spain. So, three more posts follow.
Nato sva nadaljevala s potepanjem po Pirenejih v Andori, Franciji in Španiji. Tako, sledijo še tri objave.


  1. It looks a great place for mountain walking and flowers. I've been a couple of times to the Pyrenees - once to Andorra, once to Luz St Sauveur - I look forward to learning more about the eastern end of the range.

  2. Incredible. The heat would do me in but the setting! Spectacular!

  3. What an amazing, sensational holiday. I've never heard of Collioure but I would love to visit there. So quaint and pretty. As for the hiking, that was tops with the views, wildflowers and animals.


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