blog anniversary

These days it's been about ten years since I have started writing my blog. At this occasion I would like to thank all who read my blog. So, thank you for reading and commenting. Especially for all the comments. It’s always nice to see someone notice the text or the pictures.
As many other blogs, mine has also been changing over the years. Life is changing over time, kids grow up, things happen. One thing stays the same for sure, I'm still in love with nature, in love with green.

Približno deset let je minilo odkar pišem blog. Hvala vsem, ki ga berete in še posebej tistim, ki kdaj tudi napišete svoj komentar. Vedno je lepo videti, da je nekdo opazil tvojo objavo.
Kot veliko drugih blogov, se je tudi moj z leti spreminjal. Življenje se je spreminjalo, otroci so odrasli, stvari so se zgodile. Nekaj pa je še vedno enako, še zmeraj ostajam zaljubljena v naravo, zaljubljena v zeleno.


  1. Me too. It’s one of the reasons I enjoy your blog!

  2. Congratulations on your 10th blog birthday, Margi.

    I always enjoy visiting you, I'm also still in love with nature, in love with green.


  3. Happy blog birthday, Margi. I am so glad that sometime in 2022, I found you. In trying to discover when I di dstart reading "In Love with Green", I stumbled on this comment you wrote in December 2020.

    "This year I’ve been trying to write my blog in English and I must admit that my knowledge is a little bit rusty and needs many improvements. This is also an opportunity to give thanks to my daughter who corrects my mistakes and encourages me."

    Congratulations! I am totally impressed with your progress in writing in English, your photography and the 'green' you share. I will always be dropping by.

  4. congratulation to 10 years bloging


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