our garden in May 2024
May has been a terribly busy month and I didn't spend much time in the garden, but I still managed to complete the necessary planting and seedling. We had plenty of rain and there were slugs and snails everywhere. I hope June will bring us as much sunshine and warmer days as possible.
Letošnji maj je bil zelo natrpan, veliko stvari se je zgodilo in le malo časa sem lahko porabila za vrt, ampak kljub temu uspela opraviti nujna dela. Za nami je spet deževen mesec in povsod je ogromno polžev. Upam, da nam bo junij prinesel več sonca in toplejše dni.
Due to constant rain, peonies bloomed only for a few days and roses aren't exactly the prettiest…
Zaradi neprestanega dežja so potonike cvetele le nekaj dni, tudi vrtnice niso ravno najlepše.The strawberries need sunshine. Although tghey are turning red, they are completely without a flavour.
Jagode potrebujejo sonce. Sicer postajajo rdeče, vendar so popolnoma brez okusa.Our herbs garden looks surprisingly good and, in the mornings, some cute visitors admire our garden.
Zeliščni vrt zgleda presenetljivo lep. Ob jutri pa imamo ljubke obiske.
Zaradi neprestanega dežja so potonike cvetele le nekaj dni, tudi vrtnice niso ravno najlepše.The strawberries need sunshine. Although tghey are turning red, they are completely without a flavour.
Jagode potrebujejo sonce. Sicer postajajo rdeče, vendar so popolnoma brez okusa.Our herbs garden looks surprisingly good and, in the mornings, some cute visitors admire our garden.
Zeliščni vrt zgleda presenetljivo lep. Ob jutri pa imamo ljubke obiske.
A few days ago, we took our cat to the pet ambulance where she got scared and escaped in a split of a moment. We were checking out the area, asking people, informing our friends, making some posts on social media, posting posters… but no sign of her. I do hope that our cat Lili is safe and will be back home as soon as possible.
Pred nekaj dnevi smo našo mačko peljali k veterinarju, kjer se je zelo ustrašila in pobegnila. Že nekaj časa pregledujemo območje, sprašujemo mimoidoče in prijatelje, objavili smo na socialnih omrežjih in obesili obvestila, vendar je ni nikjer. Res upam, da je z našo Lili vse v redu in, da se bo čimprej vrnila domov.
I haven’t planted the beans yet! Hope Lili comes home soon!
ReplyDeleteMarji, your garden looks lovely, colourful and productive. I am so sorry to read of the escape of Lili. Such a sad worrying time for her safety. I sincerely hope that there is good news soon.
ReplyDeletePoor little cat - hope she finds her way to safety and back to you. Read today about a cat with a chip which was returned to his family. After six years of staying with 'a neighbour'.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about your dear cat Lili escaping , I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that is found and back home with you.x Sorry you have also had so many slugs and snails, lets hope we both have more sunshine in June! Thinking of you. Sarah xxx