lake Garda

We had a few days off and thought about the bad weather forecast but finally decided to go to Lake Garda considering that we have learned to appreciate free moments and the fact that the weather cannot spoil the beautiful moments. Immediately after work, we set off for Italy,more precisely for the northern part of Lake Garda, where there are hills, lemons and olives. Late in the evening we have already admired the sunset at the lake.
Pred prvomajskimi prazniki sva razmišljala o petih prostih dnevih in slabi vremenski napovedi in se odločila, da greva proti Gardskemu jezeru. Naučila sva se ceniti proste trenutke in vedno bolj nama je jasno, da vreme ne more pokvariti veselja. Že takoj po službi sva se že odpravila proti Italiji, proti severnemu delu Gardskega jezera, tam kjer so hribi, limoni in oljke. Sončni zahod sva občudovala pri jezeru.
The next morning was cloudy. We went to the village of Malcesine, and rose to Monte Baldo by cable car. Then we walked along the ridge for several hours and watched the lake in the valley. The wind was blowing, it was raining occasionally, there were still patches of snow and it was cloudy but the view was beautiful. Maybe the long lake reminded us a little of the Norwegian fjords because of its shape. I don't know, but maybe it was the weather.
Naslednji dan sva se zbudila v oblačno jutro in odšla do vasi Malcesine, od koder je gondola na Monte Baldo. Kar nekaj ur sva hodila po grebenu in opazovala jezero v dolini. Pihal je veter, občasno je rosilo, ponekod so bile še zaplate snega in razgledi so bili bolj megleni, a kljub temu lepi. Mogoče naju je dolgo jezero zaradi svoje oblike malo spomnilo na Norveške fjorde. Ne vem, mogoče pa je bilo krivo vreme.
In the afternoon we drove to the village of Arco and walked along the well-maintained path to the castle of Arco. Old olive trees grew from behind the stone walls, as if each grew from its own pot.
Popoldne sva se zapeljala do naselja Arco in se po urejeni potki povzpela do castelo di Arco. Stare oljke so rasle izza kamnitih zidov, kot bi vsaka rasla iz svojega lonca.
We spent the night at the smaller lake Lago di Tenno, which is hidden among the hills. In the morning we went for a walk. It seemed to me as if I had found myself in a green fairy tale.
Prespala sva pri bližnjem, veliko manjšem jezeru Lago di Tenno, ki je skrito med hribi in zjutraj odšla na sprehod okoli jezera. Zdelo se mi je, kot da sem se znašla v eni tako zeleni pravljici.
After a short stop in the town of Riva del Garda, we drove to the village of Biacesa and stopped just a little below the village, then we went down to the old Strada Ponale road, the former connection between the Ledro and Garda valleys. The road is masterfully constructed and offers wonderful views of the lake, even in the case of heavy rains, which happened to us. The road leads through rocky slopes and has many serpentines, tunnels and galleries. Now it is used by hikers and cyclists.
Po postanku v mestu Riva del Garda sva se odpeljala do vasice Biacesa. Malo pod vasjo sva se spustila do stare ceste Strada Ponale, nekdanje povezave med dolinama Ledro in Garda. Cesta je mojstrsko zgrajena in ponuja čudovite razglede na jezero, celo v primeru, ko močno dežuje, kar se je pripetilo nama. Cesta vodi po skalnatem terenu in ima veliko serpentin, predorov in galerij. Sedaj je namenjena pohodnikom in kolesarjem.
After a two-hour walk from the village of Pregasina along a well-marked path, we arrived at the Punta Larici viewpoint, which is famous for the most beautiful views of the lake.
Po dvourni hoji iz vasi Pregasina po dobro označeni poti sva prispela do razgledne točke Punta Larici, ki slovi po najlepših razgledih na jezero.
The afternoon was spent in the lovely village of Limone sul garda, located between the lake and the rocky mountains that rise just behind the village. It is known for its lemons, limoncello, olives and pleasant climate. In fact, everything in the village is related to lemons. I couldn't help myself, I simply had to buy one small lemon in a pot to bring it home. Of course, the weather at my home is a little colder, but we will take care of the little lemon plant.
Sledil je postanek v ljubki vasi Limone sul garda, stisnjeni med jezerom in skalnatimi stenami, ki se dvigajo tik nad vasjo. Ta je znana po limonah, limoncellu, oljkah in prijetni klimi. Pravzaprav je vse v vasi povezano z limonami in jaz si nisem mogla pomagati, enostavno sem morala kupiti en majhen limon v loncu, da bo rastel pri nas doma. Sicer je vreme doma malo bolj mrzlo, ampak bomo pazili na mali limonček.
Lately we went for a walk along the walking path Sentiero del sole.
Tudi sprehajalne poti Sentiero del sole nisva izpustila.
On the last day, we slowly moved towards home, and the weather was getting better and better. First we stopped at Lago di Toblino and walked to the castle.
Zadnji dan sva se počasi pomikala proti domu, vreme pa je postajalo vedno lepše. Najprej sva se ustavila pri jezeru Lago di Toblino in odšla do gradu.
The last stop on the way home, where we had a nice walk near the lake, cooked lunch and rested a little, was near lake Lago di Corlo. There weren't many tourists there, just birds and butterflies and lots of ducks.
Zadnji postanek odhodom domov, sprehod, kuhanje kosila in počitek pa je bil pri jezeru Lago di Corlo. Turistov ni bilo veliko, samo ptički in metulji in veliko račk.


  1. What a lovely excursion! Such a beautiful area. Thank you for taking us along.

  2. The views are magnificent! Even though the weather wasn't perfect, it looked like a wonderful trip. I found it interesting how they put the stones around the olive trees forming pots. That was a smart way to plant a tree on a sharp hillside.

  3. I am so glad you made the most of this opportunity, Margi. I can fully understand your comment re being back in Norway. Stunning scenery and photography. Just wonderful to visit virtually with you.


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