our garden in January 2023

Nothing much interesting is going on in the garden. It's January, it's cold and sunny and we have no snow nor even frost. A picture of a beautiful garden covered with fresh snow is possible only in my dreams and far from reality which is more grey than white or green at the moment. Anyway, the first daffodil is very welcomed.
V vrtu se ne dogaja nič posebnega. Januarsko vreme je mrzlo in sončno, žal ni snega, niti slane. Slike vrtov prekritih z svežim snegom so le v mojih sanjah, realnost pa je trenutno bolj siva kot pa bela ali zelena. Vsekakor pa lahko občudujemo prvo narciso.
Broad bean planted in November last year is lovely green, we still have a lot of salad and deers are still our regular visitors. Lately I spend only a few minutes a day in the garden feeding birds.
Bob posajen v novembru je lepo zelen, še vedno imamo veliko solate in radiča in srne nas še vedno redno obiskujejo. Zadnje čase sem na vrtu le nekaj minut dnevno, da nahranim ptice.
Two years ago we bought a small piece of land in the vicinity of our home. Actually, it was a small piece of jungle, full of weeds, bushes, wild climbing plants, neglected and overgrown. In January 2020 we started to clean the place and to turn it into a garden.
Pred dvema letoma smo v bližini našega doma kupili majhen košček zemlje. Pravzaprav je bil to majhen košček džungle, poln plevela, grmov, raznih ovijalk, zanemarjen in zaraščen. V januarju 2020 smo ga začeli čistiti in ustvarjati vrt.
Now the little allotment is surrounded with trees and there are eleven raised beds of different sizes and also a nice place for picnics. Certainly a lot of work still has to be done.
Zdaj našo parcelico obkrožajo drevesa, postavili smo enajst dvignjenih gred različnih velikosti in naredili prostor za piknike. Seveda je potrebno postoriti še veliko dela.
Instead of weed the first snowdrops are growing there. The spring gift from nature.
Namesto plevela tam rastejo zvončki, darilo narave to pomlad.


  1. So lovely. Is the last one a type of tulip?

  2. Lots of hard work but you did a great job! Spring is around the corner!

  3. I love your new garden with the raised beds! You have done a wonderful job clearing worthless land and making it useful. It will be fun watching what you grow there this year.

  4. Margi - thanks for your visit to my blog and your kind comments! Daffodils and snowdrops! Here, we are under two feet of accumulated snow - six inches have fallen in the last few days! Much more of winter yet!

  5. I know how much work is involved in clearing a piece of wild land so don't envy you that task! It wont be long before the first green shoots are appearing - lets hope that not too many of them are weeds. I saw my first daffodils of the year yesterday which is very early for here.

  6. There seems to be so much more going on your garden compared with mine this month! Still waiting for the first snowdrop and daffodil! I am amazed how much salad you still have growing! Lovely to see how your garden has expanded since 2020. Many thanks for your support and joining in with 'Through the Garden Gate'. Sarah x

  7. A lot of work, but you do a great job, Margi. The raised beds are great, we have only one.

    I love the snowdropes, they are my favorites in early spring.

  8. I can imagine the joy of discovering the first daffodil and snowdrops. Neither would grow in my garden.


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