painting and walking and ...

During the working week, I usually think of which mountains we could hike on during the weekends. Therefore, I can't wait for Sunday to go there, somewhere and recharge my batteries. Lately, however, things don't go my way, something else is always more important and these Sunday outings have been cancelled. Fortunately, I go on such shorter hikes, without driving, directly from my home. Although I am at home here, it is always nice to take a look at the green river in our valley.
Navadno že med tednom študiram, na kateri hrib bi lahko šla za vikend. Tako komaj čakam nedeljo, da nekam grem in si tako napolnim baterije. Zadnje čase pa se mi ti nedeljski izleti kar nekako izmikajo, vedno je nekaj drugega bolj pomembno. No ja, grem pa na take krajše pohode, brez vožnje, direktno od doma. Čeprav sem v tej dolini doma, je vedno lepo gledati na zeleno reko.
The Senica viewpoint can be reached in an hour or so.
Razgledno točko Senica dosežemo približno po eni uri.
To climb to the Vodil peak also takes us about an hour.
Tudi na Vodil vrh se vzpenjamo približno eno uro.
In fact, it is still very cold and windy here, but there are already many white snowdrops along the way.
V bistvu je še zelo mraz in močno piha, vendar je ob poti že veliko belih zvončkov.
Speaking of flowers, these roses were created in the evenings.
Ko smo že pri rožicah, tele vrtnice so nastale ob večerih.


  1. Wonderful viewpoints looking down on the valley. Living in such flat country as I do, it makes me just a little bit jealous. You have a talent for painting flowers.

  2. You live in a beautiful area! That header is spectacular! Love the roses. Great job!

  3. Margi - like you, I can go for long walks right from my home. But your views are much more magnificent! Your painting speaks to me of the flowers to come!

  4. 'Life' does have a habit of messing with plans but you still found ways to enjoy the beauty that surrounds you.

  5. You live in a genuinely gorgeous part of the world. I live on the very flat plains, so I was impressed with your beautiful mountains. Not hills. Mountains.

    Your painting is stunning. The depth and contrast are amazing. Thank you for sharing your walk and your gorgeous art with us at Art Journal Journey using Valerie's theme.

  6. Beautiful photos, and your painting is fabulous, well done! And thanks for linking to my challenge at AJJ! Hugs, Valerie

  7. What a gorgeous area. I can see why you want to hike on Sundays. I hope you get back to that soon. And your rose bouquet is just gorgeous. I like how you used so much white to mute the colors rather going bold. Thank you for joining AJJ for Valerie’s challenge. And happy March also. Hugs Erika

  8. Wonderful flower art!!! Hug- Elke

  9. Beautiful scenery - are you very close to Brno? Your roses are beautiful- Thank you for sharing at Art Journal Journey, Chrisx

    1. Thank you. I live in Tolmin, Slovenia. Brno is located in the Czech Republic, about 7 or 8 hours drive from here. I visited Brno only once.

  10. Wow, I would have to take up hiking if our area was this beautiful! I see why you are addicted to it. The roses are really, really pretty. Beautiful post.


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