our garden in February 2023

At the moment Crocus flowers are blooming all over the meadows as well as in my garden. After a long winter period, bright colours are very welcome.
Ne samo na travnikih, tudi v mojem vrtu v tem mesecu cvetijo žafrani. Po dolgem zimskem obdobju so žive barve še kako dobrodošle.
In addition to yellow and purple, there are also some white fragile flowers there.
Poleg rumene in vijolične so tu še nežni beli cvetovi.
About a week or two ago I started with the first spring works in the garden like cleaning the vegetables and flower beds. But lately it has been very windy and cold here. I get the impression the winter is back. So, it will be necessary to wait a little longer to continue with garden work. I have already started peppers and tomatoes seeds indoors.
Pred kakšnim tednom ali dveh sem začela s prvimi pomladnimi opravili na vrtu in sicer s čiščenjem gredic. Zadnje dni je tu zelo vetrovno in precej hladno, prava zima. Še malo bo potrebno počakati na toplejše dni. Papriko in paradižnik sem že posejala v lončke.
We still have a lot of winter salad in the greenhouse. Somehow it reminds me of roses. Except that it's green.
V rastlinjaku imamo še veliko zimske solate. Mene malo spominja na vrtnice. Samo, da je zelena.
Our kitty is always with me when I'm in the garden.
Naša mačka je vedno pri meni, ko sem na vrtu.
The trees are also waking up. This is an apricot tree that doesn't mind the cold at all.
Tudi drevesa se prebujajo. Tole je marelica, ki jo mraz prav nič ne moti.
We didn't have snow this year, but we have lots of snowdrops. The nearby lawn is almost white in some places.
Letos nismo imeli snega, imamo pa ogromno zvončkov. Sosednji travnik je ponekod skoraj bel.



  1. Oh, the thrill of spotting the first signs of spring! Just wonderful, Margi, with its heartwarming colours. Living in the tropics, we never get to witness these amazing changes.

  2. We have already had spring-like days and the crocuses and snowdrops are in bloom, I also did a little bit in the garden last week.

    But now it has become very cold again with ground frost.

    I like your pictures from your garden very much, Margi. Wonderful blossoms and your cat is so cute.

    Have a wonderful last day in February.

    Wishes from Germany

  3. Your garden is looking grand already - a promise of things to come.

  4. Lovely to see your garden in its February finery. What gorgeous crocus. B x

  5. Cats do enjoy supervising work in their garden. Emerging bulbs are exciting to follow!

  6. Wow, it's looking beautiful. I love your kitty cat, what's his/her's name? Have a great week. Anesha x


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