Resia fairy tale path

Although we live near Italy, near region Resia, Resia always seemed so far away, somewhere between distant hills, remote and with poor road connection. But I was always a little curious to find out what it was like there. As a child I adored listening to fairy tales from Resia. Yesterday we went there and discovered a peaceful, beautiful, and slightly wild valley, where time almost stood still.
Čeprav živimo čisto blizu Italije, se mi je Rezija zdela vedno tako daleč, tam nekje med nekimi hribi, dosegljiva z dolgo, vijugasto cesto. Malo pa me je vedno zanimalo, kako je v tej dolini, saj so tam doma tiste pravljice, ki smo jih v otroštvu tako radi poslušali. Včeraj sva šla in odkrila mirno, čudovito, pa malo divjo dolino, v kateri se je čas skoraj ustavil.
Yesterday we chose to walk the path named “the beautiful path«, which starts in the village Solbica (Stolvizza). It is possible to choose a 10 or 5 km circular route. We walked the longer version and spent 2 to 3 hours due to many intermediate stops. The path leads past waterfalls, over streams and creeks, through the forest, past old and abandoned houses... across fields with a view of the Kanin mountain chain back to the village. Old trees, moss under the trees, heather, streams... everything was a bit like a fairy-tale, and also wild and lonely, taken from some ancient times that are no longer here.
Včeraj sva prehodila »ta lipo pot«, ki se začne v vasi Solbica (Stolvizza). Možno je izbrati 10 ali 5 km dolgo krožno pot. Midva sva prehodila daljšo varianto in porabila 2 do 3 ure zaradi številnih vmesnih postankov. Steza vodi mimo slapov, preko potokov in potočkov, pa skozi gozd, mimo starih in zapuščenih hiš…čez polja z razgledom na Kaninsko pogorje in nazaj do vasi. Stara drevesa, mah pod drevjem, resje, potoki.. vse je bilo malo pravljično, pa divje in samotno, iz nekih davnih časov, ki jih več ni.
In the 1976 earthquake, Solbica was the least damaged village in the valley, so it is still possible to admire the old architecture. On the way back, we roamed around the village and ran into a lady who invited us to the Museum of the people of Resia valley. She showed the house people in Resia used to live in, presented the history of the village and showed a corner for fairy tales. Storytelling was a special art, and every village had some excellent storytellers. Of course, the most famous are the folk tales “Zverinice iz Rezije” (something like little animal heroes from Resia), which was also the main reason for our visit. I remember very well my childhood, when we could watch only one program on the black and white TV. Among the children's shows, one of my favourites was the one with the fox, the wolf and the rabbit, and the song that says that fairy-tale heroes are just like people.
V potresu leta 1976 je bila Solbica najmanj poškodovana vas v dolini, zato tu še vedno lahko občudujemo staro arhitekturo. Nazaj grede sva se še malo potikala po vasi in naletela na gospo, ki naju je povabila v Muzej rezijanskih ljudi. Razkazala je, v kakšnih hišah so nekoč živeli, predstavila zgodovino vasi in pokazala tudi kotiček za pravljice. Pripovedovanje pravljic je posebna umetnost in vsaka vas je imela odlične pripovedovalce. Najbolj so seveda znane Zverinice iz Rezije, te so naju tudi pripeljale v to dolino. Čisto dobro se spomnim, ko smo na črno-belem televizorju lahko gledali le en program. Med otroškimi oddajami mi je bila zagotovo ena najljubših tista z lisico, pa volkom in zajčkom ter pesmico, ki pravi, da so pravljični junaki čisto taki kot ljudje.
The day was grey and foggy and much too warm for January. So, the pictures are rather greyish and dark, but I thought it was like a fairy-tale.
Dan je bil siv in meglen in veliko pretopel za januar. Slike so zaradi tega precej sive in temne, meni pa se je zdel čisto pravljičen.


  1. What a charming area to visit, and nearby! Thank you for taking us along. Great photos!

  2. How wonderful to visit a place of your childhood dreams and not be disappointed.
    I love the snow capped mountains and the 'log' people!

  3. Happy New year. Love the photos, what an amazing place.

  4. What a wonderful place, very nice impressions ...


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