skiing in the Dolomites
Spending time with my family, feeling the snowy winter, skiing and visiting the Dolomites made my last days wonderful.
Čas z družino, pa tista prava zima, smučanje in obisk Dolomitov so mi polepšali zadnje dni.
The drive from home to little town Falcade in the Dolomites took about four hours with a single minute-long stop necessary for this photo. I couldn't miss the reflection of the hills on this lake, whose name I couldn’t remember.
Vožnja od doma do manjšega kraja Falcade v Dolomitih je trajala približno štiri ure z enim samim minuto dolgim postankom, potrebnim za tole fotografijo. Odseva hribov v jezeru, katerega imena se ne morem spomniti, pač nisem mogla zamuditi.
Do apartmaja smo prišli zvečer, ko je sonce že zahajalo.
The weather was far from ideal throughout the whole stay, but it didn't stop us from skiing. In fact, we had some kind of mixed weather. It was mostly cloudy, a strong wind one day, the sun was shining from time to time, sometimes it snowed and sometimes a dense fog appeared. Anyway, the first two days we skied on Passo san Pellegrino.
Vsi trije dnevi smučanja so minili v ne najbolj idealnem vremenu. Pravzaprav smo imeli cel vremenski mix. Bilo je oblačno, en dan je močno pihalo, občasno je posijalo sonce, včasih je snežilo in včasih se je pojavila tudi gosta megla. Vseeno, prva dva dneva smo smučali na prelazu Passo san Pellegrino.
In winter, the mountain lakes are pure white, covered with snow.
Pozimi so gorska jezera čisto bela in zasnežena.
The mountains were mostly covered by fog and clouds, but sometimes they showed their beauty for a few moments.
Gore so bile sicer večinoma zakrite z meglo in oblaki, ampak včasih se za nekaj trenutkov pokazale svojo lepoto.
We haven't spent a vacation together with the children for a long time, but this week we had a family holiday. All-day skiing was followed by mandatory snowball fights in the evenings. Occasionally, I sat for a while and watched through the window. The snowflakes created a romantic winter atmosphere, which I have been missing lately.
Zadnje čase se redko zgodi, da gremo na dopust skupaj z otroki, tokrat pa je uspelo. Celodnevno smučanje in zvečer obvezno kepanje. Jaz pa sem zvečer nekaj časa samo gledala skozi okno in opazovala, kako lepo je, ko pada sneg.
The last day on the ski slope in Alleghe was freezing, and the visibility was not the best either.
Zadnji dan na smučišču v Alleghe je bilo zelo mraz, pa tudi vidljivost ni bila najboljša.
The winters here are cold, and the wood stocks in front of the houses are suitable for this conditions.
Zime so tu mrzle, zaloge drv pred hišami pa temu primerne.
On the last morning, the sun shone and revealed the beauty of the red mountains.
Zadnje jutro je posijalo sonce in razkrilo lepoto rdečih gora.
I fell in love with the Dolomites a long time ago, they are endlessly beautiful to me, it doesn't matter when, in summer, autumn, winter or spring. The other members of the family swear without hesitation that Dolomites are the most beautiful in winter. Because of skiing, obviously.
Jaz sem se v Dolomite že zdavnaj zaljubila, meni so neskončno lepi, pa ni važno kdaj, poleti, jeseni, pozimi ali spomladi. Ostali člani družine brez pomisleka prisegajo, da so najlepši pozimi. Seveda, pozimi se lahko smuča.
ReplyDeleteThank you for these fantastically beautiful impressions of the Dolomites, Margi.
We have always been there in March for many years, it is simply something very special. I don't know if I'll ever be able to ski again.
If you are interested, you can have a look at our travel page.
I love all your photos.
Time with family is priceless. The skiing was a nice bonus. Such an impressive area too! What a wonderful vacation!
ReplyDeleteDear Margi - What a lovely family holiday in such a white paradise! I love the reflection photo and all the photos reminded me of the time when I enjoyed skiing at the ski resort at Japan Alps area. I fell in love with Dolomites, too. See you again in spring.
I fell in love with the Dolomites in 2010, through a Canadians hiking blog. I was very fortunate to spend 5 days hiking there with my husband in May 2017. Just magnificent. Thank you for taking me back with your family.