Cinnamon rolls

The rain was pouring down for a few days. I've checked the weather forecast and it should snow in some areas close to us. Maybe after the snowfall, next week, we will be able to enjoy outdoor. In the meantime, I’m fully engaged with baking cinnamon rolls. Since my oldest son was on a study exchange in Finland, cinnamon rolls have been very popular in our family, my children adore them. The rolls smell lovely and taste delicious and bring winter magic to home (even if there is no snow).
Že nekaj dni lije z neba. Večkrat sem že preverila vremensko napoved, v naši bližini bi moralo snežiti. Mogoče se bo vreme po sneženju umirilo in bomo lahko uživali zunaj na snegu. Danes pa smo pekli cimetove rolice. Da lažje dočakamo sneg. Odkar je bil moj najstarejši sin na študijski izmenjavi na Finskem, so cimetove rolice pri nas zelo priljubljene. Ne le priljubljene, obožujemo jih. Rolice čudovito dišijo in so odličnega okusa in pričarajo zimo, tudi če zunaj ni snega.
My oldest son studied pharmacy, he likes precise recipes and always cooks exactly by the book. So, he sent us a few pages long, detailed recipe with some Finish words and pictures and drawings. I, on the contrary, like to follow the rule: keep things short and simple. So, here is really a short version of baking cinnamon rolls.
Najstarejši sin je študiral farmacijo, rad ima natančne recepte in vedno kuha točno po navodilih. Poslal nam je nekaj strani dolg recept z finskimi besedami, slikami in skicami. No, jaz pa imam rada, da so stvari enostavne in na kratko povedane. Zato tu čisto na kratko povzemam njegov recept.
5 dl milk
1,5 dl white sugar
0,5 tbsp salt
0,5 tbs cardamom
1 bag of dry yeast
2 eggs (1 for dough and 1 for glazing)
1,1 kg wheat flour
200 g butter (+ some for filling)
Some cane sugar for filling
5 dl mleka
1,5 dl sladkorja
0,5 žlice soli
0,5 žlice kardamoma
1 vrečka suhega kvasa
2 jajci (1 za testo in 1 za premaz)
1,1 kg bele moke
200 g masla (in nekaj dodatnega za namaz)
malo trsnega sladkorja za nadev
Brief instruction:
1. Warm milk until 37°C. Slowly melt butter. Put sugar, yeast, cardamom and egg into a bowl and mix. Add salt and mix a little more.
2. Add milk. Mix and slowly add some flour until about ¾ amount of flour is added.
3. Add butter and rest of the flour and make a dough.
4. Cover it with a cloth and rise the dough for about 40 minutes in a warm place.
5. Cut the dough in half. Spread out the dough with a rolling pin.
6. Prepare butter, sugar and cinnamon and spread the filling over evenly.
7. Roll, cut and set on a baking tray. Cover the tray and wait for 30 minutes. Heat oven to 200 °C.
8. Put egg wash and some sugar on the top.
9. The rolls are baked in 12 to 15 minutes.
Kratka navodila:
1. Mleko segrejemo na 37°C. Počasi raztopimo maslo. V skledo damo sladkor, suhi kvas, kardamom in jajce ter zmešamo. Nato primešamo še sol.
2. Dodamo mleko. Mešamo in počasi dodajamo moko, dokler ne porabimo približno ¾ moke. 
3. Dodamo raztopljeno maslo in vso moko, mešamo in oblikujemo testo.
4. Testo pokrijemo in ga na toplem pustimo vzhajati približno 40 minut.
5. Testo razpolovimo in na tanko razvaljamo.
6. Testo enakomerno prevlečemo z raztopljenim maslom in posujemo s trsnim sladkorjem in cimetom.
7. Nato testo zvijemo, razrežemo in damo v pekač. Rolice pustimo počivati 30 minut. pečico segrejemo na 200 °C.
8. Rolice prevlečemo z razžvrkljanim jajcem in potresemo s sladkorjem.
9. Pečemo jih 12 do 15 minut.
Cinnamon rolls taste the best when they are still warm. We have made them several times, but I really can't say how long they last or how to store them. They are too yummy not to eat them quickly.
Cimetove rolice so najboljše, ko so še malo tople. Pri nas doma smo jih naredili že velikokrat, vendar vseeno ne morem povedati, koliko časa jih lahko shranimo. Preveč "njami" so, da jih ne bi takoj pojedli.
It's late afternoon and here it's still raining. White hills far away can be seen through the window and we are already thinking about the next recipe.
Pozno popoldne še vedno dežuje. Skozi okno se tam daleč vidi bele hribe mi pa že razmišljamo o naslednjem receptu.


  1. The rolls look delicious. You reminded me I need to make Christmas cookies!

  2. Margi - I can smell the cinnamon from here, and taste the yummy spice as I tear off pieces of the soft dough! We (only sometimes) make cinnamon rolls with pumpkin and pecans - a very sinful delight!

  3. They sound good. I remember one Christmas when my father bought my mum some kitchen scales, something she'd never owned despite being an excellent cook. I recall watching her use them for the first time, weighing ingredients precisely, then looking at what she'd weighed and saying "That doesn't look right" and adding a little more!

  4. The cinnamon rolls look delicious. Our daughter makes them and they are always so good. The cookies too!

  5. Your cinnamon rolls look so delicious, Margi, and cookies, too. Even when freezing rain outside, the aroma of freshly-baked bread which fills the house and the nice view from your window made my heart so warm.


  6. Margi, reading this post has set off a host of lovely memories! Our son and family live on Prince Edward Island, where we have found a village bakery that makes the most delicious cinnamon rolls! By chance yesterday, my husband came home from shopping and excitedly gave me a cinnamon scroll. They are rarely on the shelves of our bakeries. It was pleasant to eat but not scrumptious!
    Your recipe tempts me but I am a hopeless cook so I think I will resist.


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