
Nad našo dolino se dviga Krn. Ko sem bila majhna, se ga občudovala vsako jutro na poti v šolo in vsak popoldne, ko sem se vračala domov. Včasih je jutranje sonce vzšlo izza hriba. Ob nekaterih popoldnevih, ko se je sonce poslavljalo, pa je zgledal rožnat.
Krn ni grič, Krn je gora. Malo kondicije je že potrebno, da prideš na vrh. Otroci so zelo ponosni, ko prvič splezajo nanj. Ob tem se spomnim svojih otrok, ko so bili še majhni. Mojih vzponov pa ne štejem več. Gor sem bila skoraj vsako poletje, pa ob sončnem vzhodu, na novoletni dan  
Ko doma načrtujemo naslednji izlet v gore, moj mož vedno reče: Samo ne spet na Krn. Meni Krn ni bil nikoli dolgočasen in rada bi šla še parkrat tja gor. 
Slika je narejena s slikarskimi lopaticami. Saj sem se potrudila, pa še vedno nisem prav sproščena. Ampak vaja dela mojstra, ne?

Mountain Krn is rising above our valley. When I was a child, I admired it in the mornings 
traveling to school and then again in the afternoons returning home. Sometimes early in the morning sun rises from behind that hill and sometimes it looks rosy in the afternoons before the sunset.
Krn is not a small hill, it's a mountain and it's not so easy to reach the peak. Children are very proud, when they reach the top for the first time. I remember how my children were. Now I don't count any more the number of my ascents. We were there almost every summer, early in the morning, on New Year's day… 
When we are planning next trip to the mountains, my husband always says: Just not Krn, again! For me, Krn is never boring and it would be fun to reach the peak a few times more. 
Painting knives were used to paint the mountain. I tried hard and I still wasn’t totally relaxed, but practise makes perfect, doesn’t it?


  1. Bold and beautiful with a magnificent sky, how wonderful it would be to be on top of that mountain starring out at the land. Happy PPF Tracey x

  2. gorgeous palette knife painting of that mountain, and oh my what memories of the climbs! Thanks for sharing and Happy PPF

  3. What a beautiful painting. You have a way with a paint knife. This turned out great.

  4. Wonderful painting from Berg Krn! Beautiful memory from childhood!
    Have a good weekend, Elke

  5. If Krn is as beautiful as your painting, I think it would be a wonderful place to travel. I have to say though that I am past the age of mountain climbing and least not the steep trails. I think you are more relaxed with your painting than you think you are (aren't we always our own worst critics :). Stay safe and live well ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  6. Hi Margi :) That's a beautiful painting, I love that you did it with a palette knife! I NEVER tire of climbing a mountain, never get bored of them! :)

  7. Wow this is so very nice. Well done indeed.

  8. Oh this is lovely, what a great piece, love the sky on it, Just popped by via PPF, Hazel (Didos) x

  9. Just found your paintings. Lovely textures on this one. Anesha x


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