Kriški podi

Julij je pravi čas za obisk gora. Ta vikend smo šli na Kriške pode, ki so dobro izhodišče za obisk višjih gora. Ker smo bili zjutraj malo pozni, me je mož prosil, naj ne fotografiram vsake skale ob poti. Vzpon traja štiri ure in nismo smeli izgubljati preveč časa, zato sem raje fotografirala po poti nazaj.

Pot vodi iz Zadnjice do Pogačnikovega doma na Kriških podih in ni pretežka. Tam sva bila že jeseni pred nekaj leti, ko sva občudovala rumene macesne.

Pokrajina z majhnimi jezeri blizu koče je čudovita. Ker je bilo včeraj precej mrzlo in vetrovno, smo šli le do spodnjega jezera.

July is a perfect time for mountaineering. Last weekend we went to Kriški podi, which is a good starting point to visit some of the highest peaks of Julian Alps. In the morning we were a little late and my husband kept asking me not to photograph each rock on our way up. It was a four-hour long ascent and we couldn't afford to lose too much time. So the photos were taken on our way back to the valley.

The mountain trail leads from Zadnjica valley to mountain hut Pogačnikov dom na Kriških podih and it's not too difficult. We were already there in autumn a few years ago when there were lots of yellow larch trees.

The three little lakes near the mountain hut complete the scenery. It was windy and quite cold, so we went only to the lower lake. 

Pogled od koče na okoliške hribe jemlje dih.

A view of surrounding mountains from the hut is beautiful.

V tem letnem času cveti veliko gorskih rožic. Te res obožujem. Zame nobena vrtna cvetlica ni tako lepa kot te divje rožice.

In this time of the year, a lot of tiny mountain flowers are blooming near the hut. I adore mountain flowers. In my opinion, no garden flowers can be as beautiful as wildflowers.

Po poti navzdol (in tudi gor) smo občudovali razgled na Trento.

On our way down (or up) we enjoyed a view over Trenta. 

Velike skale ob stezi so na več mestih podprte z lesenimi palicami. Mogoče jih ponoči prinašajo škratje in tako preprečijo, da bi se skale zakotalile v dolino. Moj mali se je moji pripombi samo smejal. pravi, da sem otročja.

Big rocks near the footpath are held up by weak wooden sticks. Maybe some dwarfs bring these sticks at nights to prevent the rocks to roll to the valley. My son laughed at me and said that I am childish.


  1. Beautiful view and scenery, love the mountain and flowers. Take care! Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

  2. Such a beautiful glacial lake. And the rest of your scenes are just amazing!!! Thank you!

  3. What a beautiful place to explore. I like your analogy with the sticks. :-) Have a great week.

  4. Wow! That's great. The world is amazing!!

  5. Great shots. Well worth the climb.

  6. The tiny flowers are just beautiful! When I saw the thumbnail photo for the linky party, I thought it looked a lot like the mushrooms I shared today. Isn't that funny! Love seeing this beautiful place you've shared with us today! Hugs!

  7. What a beautiful place to hike! I like your whimsical explanation of the sticks holding up the huge boulders. Makes sense to me!

  8. WOW! The scenery is spectacular!

    Happy Tuesday!

  9. WOW! gorgeous views.
    Stay safe. I am #18 on the linky


  10. What a wonderful trip and beautiful photos. Reminds me of when I used to hike in Colorado.

  11. What a vigorous hike you had! My calves ache just THINKING about it. But you got some lovely photos.
    And I thank you for sharing at

  12. Terrific views. A beautiful part of the world.

  13. Beautiful! Your wildflowers are exquisite

  14. The flowers and mountains are lovely. We hiked the Giro de Viso many years ago on the French/Italian border and saw many beautiful wildflowers as well.

  15. Margi - what stunning views! I laughed out loud when I read your sentence about your husband asking you not to take pictures of every rock. My husband says similar things to me - I have to judge his patience level before deciding if I will tell him that I want to stop (again)! I share your love of wildflowers. The "hut" looks like a large house to me - what is it used for? Thanks for sharing these fabulous scenery with everyone at Mosaic Monday!

    1. Mountaineers can stay the night or have a simple meal there.

  16. Wow! I'm so glad you put in all the effort to get these wonderful images to share! It's just spectacular to see!

    Your support for 'My Corner of the World' is much appreciated! Thanks for your link this week.

  17. Those mountain views makes me want to run into hills right now but can't due to pandemic .Beautiful flower.

  18. We have no mountains so was nice to visit yours through your photography

  19. Some great shots of epic scenery.

  20. Wow, stunning images, especially when viewed large. Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed the post!

  21. Agreed, beautiful mountain views. Take care.

  22. Absolutely stunning photos - your husband must be proud of each you took!
    Wren x

  23. Lepo, lepo, najlepše...

  24. What beautiful scenic photos...Michelle

  25. I agree with your statement about wildflowers being the most beautiful. That is why I am planting more and more wildflowers in my garden. I love the ones you have pictured that look like cut out felt flowers. The mountains have the most fragile looking yet tough flowers.

  26. Hvala za prekrasne fotke Slovenije!OLga


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